Chapter 9

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You jinxx and CC had just left CC's house to go hangout with the guys at the studio for a while then probably go out to eat for lunch then go back to CC 's then head to the bar after hanging out there for about an hour. Once you guys got to the studio you saw he guys sitting on a couch bored to death they looked at you guys "What took you guys so long?" Ash questioned "yea" Andy replied. "CC WOULDN'T GET OFF HIS LAZY ASS AND WAKE UP!!!!" You and jinxx both yelled like little 8 year olds. so you guys ended up hanging out for a few hours then it was 7:09 Ash said "hey should we go to the bar tonight." sure." we all said in response so we excited the studio got in our cars and headed for the bar.
Hey sorry gotta leave you guys on a cliff hanger but um I have to go to bed I'll update more tomorrow 😇😋😈

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