Chapter 12

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  You were very stressed out because of the whole paranormal incident that went on. You never had a problem playing with the Ouija board before. You were confused but tried not to think about it. You were tired you haven't slept it's 4am you turn your head and jinxx is sound asleep. You sigh and grab your phone so that you can just scroll through your social media.  Eventually you got bored and it was not 5:30am you put your phone down and curled up to jinxx and tried to sleep but it wasn't easy. But you did it you did fall asleep and you didn't see figure this time which made you feel safe.

~~~time skip to when your all awake and downstairs~~~~
CC asked about what happened yesterday and you told him about the figure you saw but you think it might have been your mind playing tricks on you because of how you didn't see anything last night before you fell asleep. So you guys ate breakfast and went to the studio to meet up with the rest of the guys.
When you guys got there you went inside and talked."hey so (y/n) what happens yesterday we were worried about you and I know this is late but sorry for being an asshole the other day." He said sadly"oh umm about that I saw a shadow figure before I passed out but I think it was my mind playing tricks on me because I didn't see anything last night. Also I accept your apology." You smile awkwardly. "Welp now that we got this over with we should go practice." Jake suggested they all nodded and you went to go sit and watch. It made you happy when you could come hangout at the studio you enjoyed listening to them play also you were happy Andy finally apologized. You were finally in a good mood. So after they were done you guys decided to go hangout get food and then head home.

Welp here's an update for you guys hope you enjoyed 👻❤️😋☠️😈💀👾🍀🐲🐼👽🌵☘️🍀☘️😊

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