Chapter 14

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Okay hi I'm finally updating I'm so sorry I haven't updated like any of my stories except my Andy x reader story I was so focused on getting that updated and then being busy and distracted by other things I didn't update anything else so now I will finally get another chapter up for this story so enjoy.

After you collapsed CC and Jinxx walked into the house. They looked over at you in panic. Jinxx ran over and kneeled down by your side and picked you up bridal style and brought over to the couch. "Okay CC calm down we'll leave her alone and when she wakes up we'll ask her what happened. Okay?" CC nodded still in shock.
~~time skip a few minutes later~~
You woke up a few minutes later Jinxx was sitting by you. "Hey your awake are you okay?" He asked in a gentle voice. "Uh yeah I'm fine I just fainted." CC and Jinxx both look are you." What happened you fainted as we walked in?" CC asks worried. "Ummm I communicated with the spirit in this house and showed her to the light so no more crazy things will happen." "What do you mean crazy things?" They ask in unison. " I was cleaning and then things were starting to disappear and then reappear and it was really weird So I found a way to fix it."
They were still kind of confused but they ignored it know you won't give them all the details. You and Jinxx went into the bedroom CC is letting you two stay in you go on your phone trying to find a place to live cause you obviously aren't going to live with CC forever. Jinxx sat next to you and looked at what you were doing. He noticed you were looking for somewhere to move he sighed. You turned your head to look at him. "Is there something wrong?" You ask. "Nothing but don't you think it's a little too soon to start looking for somewhere else to live?" "No I don't I mean we might as well start looking we can't live with CC forever." You say matter of factly. "That's true but are you sure we have enough time." "What do you mean enough time? I'm pretty sure we do." You sigh and continue looking you know you guys have plenty of time Jinxx hasn't told you anything about an upcoming tour or anything. As you were looking you found a house you would like to go look at and it seemed to be a reasonable price your turned your head to look and Jinxx and he was sleeping. You sighed and turned your phone off and snuggled up to him.
~~time skip~~
After a couple hours you both woke up from your little cat nap. You smiled at him and he kissed your forehead. You blushed a little. "So what did you find when you were searching earlier?" He asks you out of the blue. You grab your phone and unlock it to show him the house you were looking at. "I like this house we should go look at it it's not that far and it's a reasonable price. What do you think?" "I think we should go look at it how about we do that tomorrow?" "Okay." You agree and hug him. "I'll be sad leaving CC alone though but at least we won't be far." Jinxx sighs. CC then texts Jinxx letting you both know that he made dinner and it's ready. You both get up and head to the kitchen.
~~time skip cuz I'm lazy~~
After dinner you both thanked him for dinner. During dinner you both also told him about the house that you were going to go look at tomorrow and that it's not that far away from here. So you both could come hangout here anytime. That made CC happy to finally have you guys live closer to him. After a while all three of you went and watched a movie. Until it got really late and you all decided to go to bed.

Okay that was kind of a crappy ending but I finally got something done lol hope you enjoyed bye😂😊😁🖤👻🍀💀👾🌵🐼☘️👽🐲🙂🤪💃👍😈☠️😆😋🤷🏻‍♀️

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