Chapter 4

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Later that day you and Jinxx were just messing around until Andy called Jinxx. When Jinxx hung up the phone he told me that the guys are going to come over to hang out. ~~~~Time Skip~~~~

You heard a knock at the door you stood up and answered the door to see the guys so you invited them in and went up stairs to get Jinxx .As Jinxx went down stairs you went back upstairs to go and leave the guys to whatever they have to do so they can get ready for there next tour in a few months. You locked yourself in the bedroom so you would not get in the way of whatever they are dealing with now.After a while you got bored and went to check ( social media site) and you noticed that your best friend (Best friends name) and thank god she/he was still online so you guys talk back and forth for a while but then she/he had to leave because she/he had to go to bed because she/he had to go to work in the morning. So then you decided to go see if the guys were still here because it was quiet too quiet so you thought something might have happened

when you got down the staircase the guys were staring at you like you did something wrong, you looked at them and asked "What did i do now?" Andy looked at you and said "You were cutting again weren't you?" "Andy you know I stopped cutting years ago stop thinking that I started again I just did not want to disturb you guy jeez."

Ok so i'm leaving you guys on a cliff hanger but i'll be updating in a little bit.

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