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Sorry for the long time. Writer's block :/ Um anyway please vote and comment and let me know what you think? Maybe tell your friends about me? ;)

Okay now to the chapter.

Ashton Irwin put that tongue inside your mouth I'm dyING


I didn't want to see him. Well, I didn't want to see him knowing it's only few times before I won't see him for long, long time. It's already difficult as it is, and now that he's going away for so long...I don't think I'd survive it. I had already grown attached to him. What the hell am I going to do when all I'll ever get would be phone calls and texts, if he actually texts me when he's away.

"Just go," Bella whined. "I'd kill to be you right now and you don't want to go? How many times you think a chance like this will be yours? Do you really want him to like another one while he's months away?"

It's not like he liked me, I wanted to say. But even I knew this was a lie. He sort of liked me, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. The difference was massive. He could forget me in the span of weeks, but it'd take me months. I wasn't in love with him—of course I wasn't—but I was very fond of him, and curious. I've only had glimpses of the normal Ashton, and I was greedy for more.

Bella spoke some more, and I was convinced anyway. She had me when she said he might like someone else if I don't make him think about me. But she couldn't understand my fear, I was a normal girl and he was someone desirable by almost millions of people. What difference would I make in a world where lots of girls are more beautiful and interesting than me?

"Call him!" she snapped and I sighed, picking my phone and dialling his number.

I was extremely flattered and pleased when he answered after the second ring. "Yes or no?" his voice washed over me and I closed my eyes to savour it.


"I thought you'd say no," he chuckled, his voice so warm I felt its warmth in my veins. "But awesome. So I'll pick you up at—say seven? And don't expect to be back before midnight."

"But how will you manage to come without paparazzi behind you?"

He made a small sound of irritation. "Let me worry about that, okay?" I nodded and nearly smacked myself.


"Can't wait to see you." His voice turned quite seductive and I blushed, mumbling goodbye and shutting the phone, looking at the small device like it was my key to both hell and heaven.

"So?" Bella nearly yelled.

"Uh," I smiled sheepishly. "He said he'll pick me up at seven."

And I grunt as she forces the air out of my lungs with a crushing hug.


It was 6:45 and Bella had practically been all over me, doing my hair, makeup despite my protests and clothes. I looked like I was going for a wedding, not a...date?

Could I consider it a date?

"You look nice. Really fucking nice." She smiled at me and I smiled back, quite rattled.

"And now we wait." She plopped down on the couch and I sat carefully, mindful to the short dress I was wearing. It was creamy coloured and above the knees, but nothing like the dresses we wore last night. The back was visible though, and I insisted on a jacket despite her complains.

Melbourne had the kind of weather that changed every day and was somewhat unexpected. Last night was hot and this morning was a tad chilling, and now I had no idea how the weather would be like. I just hoped it wouldn't rain.

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