Chapter 2

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Its been 6 moons.He was ready to be an apprentice with Lillypaw,Crowpaw and Rosepaw.
Dashpaw was really lucky.Cherryfall was his mentor,the medicine cat.
Owlbranch got crowpaw.
Spottedpelt got lillypaw
shortear got rosepaw
Sunpaw got birdtail
It seemed to actually be going decent.
Sunpaw seemed to be a new cat.A bit of a loner but generally nice.
They went to the moonpool to get Dashpaw accpeted by starclan.Dashtail is now.Not Dashpaw anymore.
Dashtail stared to hang out with Sunpaw.Crowpaw kept making jokes like 'Are you guys gonna make out?'
Dashtail kept explaining how he is just a friemd but,Crowpaw could not take that.Suddenly a gourgeclan appentice came into camp.A riot started.The apprentice was just really hungry but Wolfheart didnt take that and slashed the apprentice's Tail anf it looked very bloody.
Medowstar immedatley scurried over and scolded Wolfheart,Like a queen telling a kit off.

Dashtail helped Cherryfall to cure the apprentice,the apprentice was called Bouncepaw.Only recently been appointed as an apprentice.
Cherryfall gave the apprentice a mouse and squirrel.They loved it.
After around 3 moons it was safe for bouncepaw to go home.Mothstar,The gourgeclan leader and Medowstar already discussed it,Mothstar agreed to The medicine cat healing the apprentice.

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