Chapter 4

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News came out that Sunfall Died,Apparently.

It was monday.

So then Dashtail padded over to the Grove,where Lillygarden wanted to meet.Crowstep,Roseear and Sunfall...But he was dead.

"Lilly,We need to talk alone."
They went somewere,deep into the clan.
"WHAT IN STARCLANS NAME DID YOU DO." He angrilly whispered
Lillygarden sighed.
"You know Sunfall?" She asked "You are not here,He died because of wolf.Medowstar will belive you,Bouncebone isnt who you think, them"

Dashtails POV:
I woke.Lillygarden...STARCLAN!
I rushed over to Medowstar and asked if i could share something important I knew the meaning of snd starclan sent..She said yes.
I explained my vision and she gasped in horror as I told her Because Sunfall died of a prey poisoning.


She was extreamly shocked,Petrified almost and told him to also tell cherryfall,so Dashtail set off to the medicine den to find her on the floor,Dead.

Dashtail started to sob as crowstep came in because of a rat bite.She saw Dashtail in this constant agony but she couldnt tease him.
"Yo bro,Im sorry." Crowpaw sighed..
Dashtail couldnt help but continue sobbing.
Finally an elder,Orangesight,came in
"Starclan! My old ears be quiet...Oh! Cherryfall? Where is she?" the poor cat asked.
"Dead." Replied Crowstep somberly.
Orangesight suddely started to for tears."Oh my daughter.You were the finest medicine cat." He mumbled."Ill pass it on to Medowstar."

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