Chapter 11

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Sunday green-leaf
Dashtail woke and headed out to get more borage.As soon as he came back he saw Redmist greet him showing off one of his 2 moon old kit.
"This is frostkit,Dashtail!" Redmist exclaimed.
"Well hello!" Dashtail whispered.
"I should get heading.Also,Have any of your kits have dreams?"
Redmist Smirked and replied,"Shinekit wants to be just like you."
Dashtail smiled and chuckled,he headed to the medicine den.

Crowstep was inside waiting,"Before you scream at me,Medowstar put me incharge."
Dashtail smiled in understandment.
"Urm..So...You know your wife's sister,Roseear." Dashtail was suddenly intreauged."I really like her,could YOU help me?"She said.Dashtail gave the biggest smile anyone could imagine.He nodded and told her this;

"Ok so,I Want you to meet in the medicine den,I will be fetching catnip and cobwebs,so after that,kiss i guess."

Crowstep nodded and then they went to get Roseear.

Roseear was in the medicine den.Crowstep looked shy seeing her and mumbled,
"Umm...So...You know..I really..-"
"Spit it out,you can tell me anything gal pal!" Rosetail winked.
"Basically,I really like you,you're so cool and Ive always loved you." Crowstep exclaimed.
Roseear dropped her smiled a little,"Im not.Uhm Sorry Gal...No"
Crowstep pulled a fake smile (Not in an emo way) and left.Crowstep ran to Medowstar and told her she would go on patrol,Medowstar nodded.

Crowstep tried to find Dashtail,
Dashtail was at the Twoleg place talking to cats named Lilly and Jasmin.Crowstep turned back and headed to Swampclan.Dashtail quickly turned around,said goodbye to the two She-Cats then ran to his sister.
"So..How did it go?" Dashtail smiled.Crowstep then fell to the floor and started bawling,"I dont think she likes me anymore." Crowstep cried,Dashtail Tried to calm her down but she kept bawlling.Dashtail spotted some Goatweed near the river that comnects to the gathering path.
He took 3 peices and gave one to Crowstep,they chewed it and then the siblings headed for Swampclan.

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