Chapter 10

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Sunday New-leaf
              6:00                Dashtail woke up to lillygarden lying in the den tierdly,"Sorry Lillygarden!Why didnt you call me?!" Dashtail panicked.Lillygarden smiled and replied,"I litterally just got here,Dashtail,anyway I feel sick,"
Dashtail passed over some Chervile,Lillygarden chewed them up,She greatfully and stared up at Dashtail,"I should head back to the Nurstery,is that fine?" She spoke.Dashtail smiled and whispered "See you soon,Love you."

Saturday (next week) Greenleaf
Dashtail saw Crowstep,She was just here to Give him a mash rabbit,His favourite food.Then He saw Stan,one of the Former Kittypets."Exuse me,Do you have Mousebile?Featherfall and Cinderpool need some." He  asked.Dashtail handed over 4 peices.Just incase;Stan thanked
him and left.Lillygarden stepped in,And dropped onto the moss bed.Dashtail knew.

An hour or so later Lillygarden had her litter;Fruitkit,berrykit,goldkit and leafkit.

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