Just the Translator

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This story doesn't belong to me. It belongs to guardianangelicas on AO3.

Whelp. At least you're in a good mood.

In contrast, Din and the kid have been causing problems all morning, the both of them. Like two... two annoying, middle-aged children competing to see which one is less mature.

The smaller of the two, and older (most likely) is bouncing with energy. Acting a complete fool. Ready and willing to launch out of his restricting little sphere at any second, a bright green bundle of energy that slept way too well last night and is just rubbing it in at this point. He was fine earlier—checking out of the inn, picking up some food at a local market, riding in the Crest as it navigated towards the most isolated sector on this planet—but the hike to this field has been like pulling teeth.

In fact, Din is currently wearing a singular gauntlet on his left hand for that very reason—so this child's hyper ass could be contained within the hovering, reflective prison. He's restless, though, continuing to act out. At one point you suggest just letting him walk to let some energy out like yesterday, even if he slows the group down with his tiny little legs. Once you let the little menace out on parole though, he just continues to veer off in his own direction and irritate his dad even further.

And, oh stars—his dad.

Din has barely said a word, only answering with short responses when directly prompted and spending most of his energy just silently stewing inside his own little grumpy teapot on his head. The helmet is the only other piece of armor he's donning besides the lone vambrace, and you're surprised steam hasn't started whistling through the top of it with how frustrated he is, how many times you've seen him curl his hands with impatience. At first it was amusing, though you know better than to tease him about it right now. You keep your mouth shut and try your best to wrangle the kid, doing everything you can to be helpful while also steering clear of unintentionally exacerbating his silent irritation, knowing Din isn't in the mood for jokes after being interrupted at a very crucial moment last night. The sun shines directly on the front of his helmet and blinds you with every single annoyed step, so you follow just far enough behind him and try to use his enormous refrigerator of a body to shield your eyes.

At first it was amusing. But then the baby catches sight of a gorgeously patterned butterfly floating through the field that he probably wants to snack on for breakfast, and he breaks off from your entourage once more with a quiet little coo that should strike pure terror into the hearts of small animals everywhere.

Immediately you're turning to go get him—but then a large hand quickly snatches the front of your shirt before you can take a single step, pulling until you're colliding with an unarmored chest with an oof.

A bare hand catches your jaw and tightens until you're staring deep into the thin blade of his visor, before Din whispers rough through the modulator, "As soon as he falls asleep."

That's all he says. And then he's releasing you and letting you stumble back towards his wayward son a whole lot less amused than you were before, and a whole lot more achy. The baby shenanigans are far less amusing too.

"You're killing me here, kiddo," you breathe after quickly catching up with him, having to bend in half to lead him back towards his impatient dad.

His hot, moody... incredibly well endowed dad, thick arms crossed tight over his chest as he waits for your return.

The monster's hand lifts high above him as his three fingers cling to just one of yours, the baggy brown sack exposing his pudgy little green elbow as he follows next to you with a waddle. It's slow going, but at some point he decides to pull himself up onto your wrist and you catch him, cradling him in your arms before quickly hurrying back to Din.

Rough Day by guardianangelicasWhere stories live. Discover now