Out of A Trillion

938 9 17

This story doesn't belong to me. It belongs to guardianangelicas on AO3.

Everything changes and yet somehow nothing does. 

From that point on, it's like... like you're both just suspended in this perpetual state of wondering, waiting for the other shoe to drop.  You know he said it's up to you, but what the fuck?  Look whenever you want?  That's way too much fucking pressure, he's out of his mind.  You're not equipped to handle that, who does he think you are?  Someone that can just... decide things?

And it's not like you're afraid of the commitment, or that you don't want to look.  You do , but every single time a moment comes, it just never... feels right.  You don't know what you're waiting for, what feeling or meaning you're expecting to magically present itself to you, but you can't shake the idea that there should be more to it than just randomly deciding to open your eyes at some point, shouldn't there?  Din said there was no ceremony, nothing fancy, and he gave you permission to look because he said he's not allowed to ask outright, whatever that means.  It's a standing offer because you guess he isn't allowed to prompt it for some reason, but unfortunately, that leaves you in just about the shittiest position possible.  Now everything falls to you—initiation, execution, and consequence—and Maker knows you've never been that great making decisions under pressure.

But you do want to look.  Sort of.

Sort of.  Because... well, this probably won't make that much sense, but you're afraid.  Mostly for him.  What if he's making a mistake?  It sounds stupid, but you're afraid of what this means for him, the sheer perpetuity of this decision he's now expecting you to make for the both of you.  This isn't your creed, not yet, and you feel like there's still so much to learn.  Not only about the Mandalorians and his culture, but about him.   To know is to love, and so you've taken to asking any nonsensical question you can think of whenever he's around.  Though you weren't expecting it at first, you've learned that he'll always give you some sort of an answer.  Some of the highlights include:

"How old are you?"  ("I don't know.  Probably mid-forties, but there's no way to tell anymore.")

"You don't know your birthday?"  (No, I... think it was in the winter.")

"What's your last name?"  ("Djarin.")

"Do you have any freckles?  Or moles, or birthmarks?"  ("No, none that I've ever noticed.")

"Do you cut your own hair?"  ("Yes, but it's been awhile.")

"Do you have dimples?"  ("I don't smile in mirrors.")

"Are your earlobes attached or detached?"  ("What kind of question is that?")

And so forth.

He also gives you so many fucking opportunities to look.  One right after the other.  You used to think Din was incredibly trusting with how often and voluntarily he decided to take his helmet off around you—he didn't wait a single day once he first felt your hands on his skin to take it off in your presence.  You remember being blown away by his unexpected willingness to part with it after hearing so many tales of the Mandalorians from Kuill; stunned by the ever-present ability to just open your eyes at any moment and that's all it would ever take.  One simple movement—life-altering, and so easy.

Now you find it nearly impossible, muscle memory just won't allow it to happen naturally.  And yet somehow, avoiding it is like stepping around land mines.  He doesn't trick you—he doesn't set it up, he doesn't surprise you or anything, but he's... less careful.  When the kid is awake, Din acts normal—he walks around fully armored, he goes on hunts and returns a few days later with a quarry, teaches you more self-defense techniques in the cleared out hull while the kid watches and giggles at your pain from the safety of his floating crib.  But when the baby goes to sleep, he's taken to lounging with the helmet off.  He only used to remove it to eat, sleep, or... do other things with you, but he never used to take it off just... because .  Now he does.  Now he's less careful about darkness, less strict about how much light he allows to touch him.

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