Whenever You Want

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This story doesn't belong to me. It belongs to guardianangelicas on AO3.

Din said he'd meet you here.

You're currently sitting across from Greef Karga in a cantina on Nevarro, a closed shield next to you and a blaster tucked into the back of your waistband, hidden underneath your shirt. You're barely even looking at him, though—your eyes are attached to the door by an invisible string, forcing your gaze back to it no matter how much it bounces around the room.

You don't know where Din is, you haven't seen him in hours. But you do know that when he left, he was moving slower than you're used to. You don't think anyone else would notice, but you sure did. Not that he was obvious about it—you only picked up on very subtle hints. Leaning up against things just a bit more than he usually does. Taking slightly longer exiting the ramp of the Crest than his normal strides would carry him.

He didn't say what he was going to do—just that he needed to find someone before meeting with Karga, and you accepted it. But truthfully, you didn't want to. You were worried about him—still are, actually. But for all intents and purposes, he was speaking and acting like himself, showing no real signs of exhaustion other than the smallest instances you described before, so you didn't really have a leg to stand on. He's been through way worse, and you know it. You just... find yourself worrying about him so much more than you used to, and you need to learn how to gain some control over that part of you.

The kid was still passed out from healing him and you remember Din carefully setting four pucks down in the sleeping baby's sphere and giving his ears a gentle rub between leather fingers. He turned back to you and told you to meet him at the cantina in three hours, but if it ended up taking him too long for any reason, to try your best to see if Karga will let you exchange on his behalf.

Admittedly, he didn't sound too confident about it—the instructions were delivered with a tone that implied a doubtful, just-in-case scenario he wasn't foreseeing happening. Or maybe he just doubted the likelihood of Karga agreeing to do business with you, you're not entirely sure. All you know is that when he left, you were almost certain he wouldn't be late, but you also took the time to grab the smallest blaster from his armory before heading out just in case.

Yet—here you are, three and a half hours later, eyes flicking between the door and Karga as you attempt to keep up polite conversation. After turning down his offer of alcohol for the fifth time and still not seeing any glimpse of beskar coming to your rescue, you figure this may be as good a time as any to start the exchange.

During an extended break in the small talk, you slowly reach over to the corner of your booth and press a button on the face of the kid's shield. It hisses open and you completely miss the way Karga's hand raises while three of his guards automatically reach for their hips. The little green monster is still snoozing comfortably while you pull out the four glowing pucks Din left you and set them on the table one by one.

They scrape along the top of it as you slowly push them over to him, before sitting back in the booth and clearing your throat, flicking your eyes between Karga and his guards. To you, nobody appears to have moved, so you muster a polite smile at him.

Karga smiles back, but makes no move to gather or inspect the offerings in front of him.

"Um..." you say after a moment, suddenly feeling your heart start to beat a little faster. "Mando... Mando gave me permission to exchange on his behalf."

"I believe you," he drawls out in response, but the pucks still sit untouched in front of him as he leans back in the booth and studies you. "Mando has always had a... let's say, a frustrating penchant for disregarding the pillars of our code. My apologies, young lady, but I'm afraid that I cannot accept these from you."

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