Promise Me (It'sYours)

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This story doesn't belong to me. It belongs to guardianangelicas on AO3.

You jerk awake to the sound of whimpers.

It's late. The bonfire is nothing more than glowing coals, and your back is resting against a scratchy log instead of a long, comfortable chest. You blink rapidly, trying to figure out where that noise is comi—

The kid. Fussy in his crib, his gasps starting to turn into quiet sobs.

"Hey," you murmur, aiming for soft and comforting, but the sleep sits right in the middle of your vocal cords and splits your voice in half, making you sound like an exhausted demon. Weirdly enough, it seems to chill him out (did a demon actually teach him how to choke people without touching them?) and you sit up to blearily look around. Where's Din? "Where's—" you rub your eyes and squint around once more, "—where'd your dad go, bug?"

The clearing is bare. The field is, too—no path, excluding the one you three made on the hike here. Nothing in the distant forest, and the black duffel bag sits somewhere near your feet.

Alright, no worries, maybe he just... went to take a leak or something. Really... oddly far away. That's fine. Sometimes humans have to do that—maybe he has a. A shy bladder. Or something. You're totally fine. The kid blinks back at you through equally tired eyes, his head tilting as he seems to be taking cues from you right now in the absence of his father. You both should just try to go back to sleep...

Or you can wait up for him. That sounds like a better plan. Don't panic, just trust him. Give him the benefit of the doubt, it's the least you can do.

You take a second to look around again, still coming up empty. It's dark out, but the moon is suspended high in the sky. The fire doesn't even give off much light anymore, just dying embers. Your eyes scan the ground again, catching on the black bag at your feet.

Was that there when you went to sleep? No, the last person who had it was Din, and he was sitting over there, in front of the boulder behind the kid's shield.

You blink down at the stationary bag for a few more seconds, studying it like it'll spill all of its secrets if you glare hard enough, but then something sparks in your memory. Something odd, something you only noticed for a second last night. There was a red light that reflected off Din's helmet when he reached into the bag for food earlier, wasn't there?

You think back on it, try to isolate the hazy memory. If it was a laser sight, you would've recognized the bright beam and panicked, but you didn't. It was unfocused, dim. Flashing.

Had... had Din brought a tracking fob with him from the Crest? But why?

Maker, it's like your mind knows it should speed up but it's still too stupid to actually do it. You should... you should check the bag, right? Just in case... you don't know. You're being ridiculous.

You reach out to catch the dark bag nonetheless and then unzip it, rifling through it for a particular item you figure should be in here somewhere. Food, food, more food...


—It's not here. No tracking fob here. No red light to be seen of.

Had you been imagining it?

No, you determine after a second. No, because you remember thinking it was odd—you specifically noticed it, clearly recognized it but didn't contemplate too much into it at the time.

Alright, no worries, maybe he... maybe he went on a quick little hunt while you were both sleeping. He must've gone back to the ship to grab his armor and guns and then set off. That's fine, there's more food in the bag. He said he'd be here when you woke up, which most likely means morning. Right?

Rough Day by guardianangelicasWhere stories live. Discover now