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This story doesn't belong to me. It belongs to guardianangelicas on AO3.

Everybody is asleep and you're just a complete mess.

Truly. And it fucking sucks, because this should be enjoyable. This is home. You're in hyperspace, the hull is pitch black, the baby is asleep, and Din's breathing is slow and quiet through the darkness. Your cheek presses to his chest as it rises and falls hypnotically, you're comfortable and safe and this would normally be a dream. But your eyes are wide open right now and you are just going through it . Spiraling in the midst of the most stable surroundings you could possibly conceive.

You suppose that this is partially your fault. You don't know why literally any part of you expected Din would explain himself without prompting from you, but you still couldn't work up nearly the nerve necessary to ask. Every potential question you came up with contradicted your intent, every way you tried to mentally phrase it gave off the wrong impression. How do you ask somebody if they were being serious about something without revealing anything about your own intentions? You can't—that's a downside of staying silent.

Din hasn't said a single word since he urged you to leave the shooting range earlier, and he didn't really seem like the quiet didn't suit him, if that makes sense. Yours was awkward, it fit you wrong. You struggled for words while he easily ignored their existence altogether, able to navigate the Crest into hyperspace and exist comfortably around you without ever addressing the giant bantha in the room. Maybe that's part of the reason you floundered so hard—he didn't avoid you, he held the kid while you took a shower in the small fresher, and even though he was quieter around you than he'd been in awhile, he gave no indication that anything was wrong at all.

You spent that time getting clean but also formulating some sort of plan. As you bathed in actual water for the first time in a week and scrubbed your body clean, you tried to figure out at least why you were having so much trouble coming up with something to say, but even then, words evaded you. You spent the entire time staring blankly at the metal wall, at a complete fucking loss.

When you came out of the fresher with wet hair and comfortable clothing to sleep in, Din was armorless and resting in your makeshift bed on the floor, the baby tucked soundly in his crib next to him. You turned off the lights and carefully found your way under the blankets next to him in the pitch blackness, feeling him lazily reach around you and pull you to rest against his chest. His fingers gently drew circles along your arm for maybe the first few minutes while you worked up the nerve to speak. You needed to say something, this was your chance—

But then his hand soon fell to rest in one place on your shoulder and he passed out. Helmet on, not even a few minutes of your quiet breathing next to him.

So now, you're here, just... a little ball of stress in the middle of paradise. Hours have passed, you need sleep after such a physically exhausting week but it's like you haven't even processed the fucking proposition he presented to you yet. You're having trouble even thinking the words, that's how much he's got you fucked up.

He said... hit the target and I'll ma.... hit the target and I'll marrrrr...

Fuck. You stay on that loop for ages until your eyes begin to grow heavy, until you just settle on thinking about it with them closed. Slow breaths from Din under one ear, the silence of hyperspace all around you—how are you supposed to contemplate when his body is so warm? No, you can ask tomorrow, you'll ask him tomorrow.

Eventually, you're able to drift off into a troubled slumber, dreaming of bells made of beskar that deafen anyone who rings them.

You wake up what feels like two minutes later.

Rough Day by guardianangelicasWhere stories live. Discover now