A/N bios

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Hi! The author here, here's some bios and headcanons for the characters of this Five Nights at Freddy's AU!!

Florence Myles

Age: 20 years old
Hybrid: fox
Pronouns: he/they
Occupation: nightguard at Freddy Fazbear's pizza
Random facts:
-is the only one in his childhood friend group that didn't match up with any of the mascots. (No, foxy is not in this AU, neither is Chica.)
-is a great liar due to being a fox.
-can't keep a secret to save his life
-is adopted. This is how a fox got into a family of rabbits.
-has goggles that his family gifted him for his 13th birthday. He wears them all the time, as they remind him of his sister.
-A/N fact, his design was originally a copy of Nyla's design from my other book, "Nyla and the 7 chakras".

Backstory: just an ordinary fox hybrid, right? Wrong. This poor boy witnessed the murder of his 3 friends and sister. Has been seeking revenge ever since. He just needs to find the right one...

Mike Afton

Age: 20 ½ years old
Hybrid: siren (doesn't like to admit it)
Pronouns: he/him
Occupation: support guard (basically only comes to work when needed.)
Random facts:
-is a great singer due to being a siren.
-awesome swimmer for the same reason.

Backstory: "if only he wasn't my dad!"
Those were Mike's words when his father became abusive and insane. The reason so few people know he's a hybrid is because his father actually damaged and destroyed the fins that were once on the side of his face.

Rachel Myles

Age: still 11 year old.
Hybrid: rabbit
Pronouns: she/her
Became: Bonnie the bunny.
Occupation: guitarist

Backstory: She was just enjoying her brother's birthday when Mousetrap lured her and 3 of her friends into a back room.

Vincent Madden

Age: 12
Hybrid: bat (a megabat specifically)
Pronouns: he/they
Became: Rosco the bat
Occupation: drummer/saxophonist
Random facts:
-is actually really shy and caring, despite what most think.
-is a fruit bat, not a vampire bat. Don't believe the lies.

Backstory: same as Rachel

Carson Lewis

Age: 13
Hybrid: bear
Pronouns: he/him
Became: Freddy Fazbear
Occupation: singer
Random facts:
-tallest in the group!

Backstory: same as the other missing kids.

Lesley Fortino

Age: 12
Hybrid: raccoon
Pronouns: she/they
Became: Valorie raccoon
Occupation: pianist and backup singer
Random facts:
-eats out of trash cuz, y'know, she's a raccoon.

Backstory: literally the same.

William Afton

Age: 40
Hybrid: no
Pronouns: he/they
Occupation: unknown
Random facts:
-detests hybrids. When he found out his youngest son was a hybrid, he began to abuse him.

Backstory: used a yellow mouse costume to lure 4 kids into a back room of Freddy Fazbear's pizza. Then stabbed them.

Gregory j???

Age: 10
Hybrid: goat
Pronouns: he/him
Occupation: kiddo
Random facts:
-kind of a pessimist

Backstory: used to sleep on the floor in an orphanage, before escaping and sneaking into the pizzaplex.

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