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Y/n's pov

I should have listened to Dustin when he told me this party wasn't going to be good. I've never been to a party this boring in my life. Even during elementary school.

I really only came here because the boys are playing their little D&D game and my foster mom is out. I didn't feel like staying at home alone with the other kids.

When Mrs. Blake isn't home, all the kids start fighting and arguing. Especially Max and Bellamy. I didn't feel like arguing with them tonight.

I went to walk back in the house to maybe grab a drink until I saw Max and Bellamy come down the stairs in this huge house.

I slowly backed up and went to turn around so they wouldn't see me, but froze after they both looked my way. I rolled my eyes then turned around, walking out of the front door. Now I'm ready to go home.

"There's no reason to make it home on time, y/n! You know she's gone for tonight and maybe all of tomorrow," Bellamy said.

Mrs. Blake is his mom. That's one reason why he always fights and argues with the other kids because he never gets in trouble.

"I just want to go home. That's all," I said after stopping in my tracks. I can't stand to look at them sometimes. I hate talking to them and being around them. I should have just stayed in my room tonight like I planned earlier.

"Just stay here and party with us," Murphy said as him and Bellamy walked up behind me. I can hear their nasty little grins in their faces. As always.

"Yeah, part with us," Bellamy said as they both walked in front of me. I was right. I knew they had nasty little grins on their face after wanting me to party with them.

"You guys are gross," I said, walking away until Bellamy grabbed my wrists. "Don't," he said as I looked back and up at him.

"You're too old to leave a party un-fucked," Murphy chuckled. "Let me go you bastard," I said as I tried pulling away softly so he wouldn't get mad but my words were enough.

Bellamy yanked me towards him so my body would be against his. "Stop being a stuck up bitch and come in," Bellamy started pulling me towards the house.

"Bellamy stop, bro!" I tried pulling myself away but he's way stronger than me. "Bell, please let me go!" I begged but he's nit listening to me. They never pressure me like this, but as soon as I turn 18, they get more demanding.

"Didn't she say let her go," a familiar voice said as they pushed Bellamy away, causing him to let my wrists go and trip. The stranger pushed me back, causing me to fall into two other strangers arms.

I looked up and just to see Steve and Billy. I then looked forward and saw Eddie. They seriously found me. I haven't been back yet, and it's been weeks. They must be pissed.

"And you are?" Max asked. "I don't give a shit who he is. That's my foster sister over there, now leave us be," Bellamy said, about to walk past Eddie to grab me again, but Eddie pushed him back.

"Don't touch her foster siblings," Eddie said in a none believable voice as he said foster sibling. Of course no one would think me, Bellamy and max are that. They're always hitting on me.

"You don't tell me what to do with my property!" Bellamy said, getting angry. What the fuck is his problem? He's never said that to anyone or me. He's really getting out of hand.

"I thought you said slavery was over?" Eddie asked as he looked back at me with his fists clinched. "It is! He's just delusional right now," I said. Bell meant it in a way Eddie didn't understand at the time.

"Delusional!? Says the one who's probably getting trained by 3 guys! Are these the boys you sneak out to see? Huh slut!?" Max yelled towards me.

"Bro, just shut the fuck up and mind your goddamn business!" I yelled the last couple of words. My life with anyone is none of their or Mrs. Blake's business.

"I don't know what trained is but you added slut to your sentence, so I'm guessing you're talking about her sex life. Even if she was getting so called trained by us, human, I don't think that concerns you," Eddie said.

"Don't touch her again," Eddie said then walked over to me. "Slut!" Bellamy shouted as Eddie pulled me away from the party.

"Don't listen to them, alright? They're just immature little human boys," Steve said. "I remember those days. Weren't the best," Billy admitted.

"Thank you guys," I said as we stopped in front of some van. "Of course, but we're sorry too," Eddie said confusing me until Steve opened the van door for Billy to push me in.

Eddie quickly got in as I tried fighting him off and jumping out. They're kidnapping me. What did I expect? My vision quickly went black after Eddie blew dust in my face once again.


𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐎 𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang