Chapter Nineteen: The Guy You Deserve

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I wake up beneath the familiar sheets of Eddie's bed, my stomach wrenching within my body and a hand lightly placed on my forehead. "Morning, sleepyhead. Sorry if I woke you," the hand's owner whispers. Eddie's sitting over me, arm outstretched. "What happened?" I ask, my voice hoarse and wrecked. "What's the last thing you remember?" I ponder for a moment, wracking my brain for any recollection of the previous night's events. "I remember being in a phone box and I was saying all these things," I mumble, grabbing his hand when he pulls it away. "I didn't mean them, I'm so sorry." He sighs and places my hand to his lips before brushing across the back of it with his thumb. "It's okay, baby. I guess it makes us even," he chuckles. "How's your head?" he adds. "Hurts," I mumble.

He returns moments later with a tray of toast and coffee with a side of aspirin. "Come on, you can't take aspirin on an empty stomach so you'll have to get some food in you." I nod and take a small bite of the toast. "Do you remember dancing on a table?" he asks after a short while, almost making me choke on the bread in my mouth. "I did what?" I ask, my voice muffled by the food. "Yeah, you were giving everyone a right show. Did you know your dress gives a great view to people standing under it."


"You love me."

"Hmm, I'm not so sure about that one."

He leans forward and takes a bite out of the toast in my hand. "Stop being a brat." I glare at him for the theft of my food but continue eating nonetheless, praising God when I finally slip the pill between my lips. "I'm still mad at you," I tell him, caught between joking and serious as I lean up to place a soft kiss on his lips. "I wouldn't expect it any other way," he replies, running a hand through my hair. "Y'know, I've never asked you this before, what's your big dream?" he asks, moving to lay beside me with an arm around my shoulders. "I'm not sure," I reply, moving my body closer to his whilst being careful not to knock the tray. "Come on, humour me. If you could be anything in the world regardless of whether its attainable or not, what would you be?"

"A writer."

"Like journalism?"

"No. Like stories. Journalism is definitely more Nancy's thing"

He takes a moment to think my words over before giving a soft shrug. "Do it then," he replies, pressing his lips to my forehead. "You could write while I'm on tours and I can read stuff through for you. We'd be unstoppable."

"I don't think I have the talent for that."



"You are the most talented person I have ever met. And that's saying something because, I mean, I'm pretty talented."

"Thanks, that means a lot."

He busies himself playing with my hair while I finish the remainder of my coffee. The aspirin helps the pounding in my head to subside and the coffee brings me enough energy to sit up fully. "Do you want me to give you a ride back to Steve's?"

"What? Why?"

"Well I thought you were staying there while we spent some time apart?"

"Oh. Yeah, right. I'll get out of your hair then."

I busy myself trying to get out of the bed while he sits up and watches, his lips parted as if he wants to say something. I'm wearing his Metallica t-shirt which I definitely wasn't the night before. "Where's my dress?" I ask, forcing myself to keep a level tone despite the tears fighting to fall. He doesn't say anything but gestures to the chair off in the corner. I can't see the longing in his eyes when my back is turned but I can feel it against my skin, the conflict between wanting to be selfish and wanting me to be happy. The exact same conflict going through my mind.

Diamonds and Dragons ~ Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now