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Taruk was definitely not expecting such a response from Ahaan.

"Of course! My bad. I mean, you're a rank holder in academics. I should've known that."- he answered with a slight tone of sarcasm.

"Give yourself a break. We don't share the kind of equation that might allow you to call me your bro. As per academic performance is considered, none invited here is unworthy of praise"- Ahaan took no time to answer back.

Arushi could sense the tension that had suddenly emerged in between Ahaan and Taruk. She realised that this could soon escalate to something more hostile.

"Umm, Ahaan, I needed to talk to you about something. Care to tag along?"- She looked at Ahaan hoping he would drop what he was getting into with Taruk.

"I'll catch up with you later, Taruk. Do enjoy the party."

"Sure, would-be classmate! Well, I forgot to mention, you really look drop dead gorgeous today in this saree."

Ahaan had had enough of Taruk for the day but with the sudden mention of Arushi as his would-be classmate and Taruk complementing her, Ahaan couldn't help but storm off. He couldn't exactly realise what he disliked in Taruk so much that made him react in this manner. He had met his share of condescending people, but with them he couldn't care less let alone answer them back. What was it about Taruk that made him want to barf!

Arushi followed Ahaan to the other end of the campus which was meant for the junior sections students. That part of the campus was not exactly used for the party and the lighting was not adequate. While Ahaan in a tuxedo didn't find it much challenging to walk around, Arushi in a saree found it pretty difficult to catch up to Ahaan and at one point couldn't help but call for help.


Ahaan didn't stop taking long strides.

"Ahaan! Care to stop for a minute and give me a hand."

Ahaan turned around to find Arushi at some distance from him.

"The party's over there. What the hell are you doing here?"

He sounded pretty non-interested in any conversation.

"That isn't important. Come and get me your hand."

Ahaan came around and helped Arushi step into a plane surface away from the mud and sand at one place.

"Can we talk?"

"Why me? Where's your topper boy would-be classmate?"

"What's with this attitude of yours? What's wrong with you?"

"How can you always somehow assume something is wrong only with me?"

"What's with the always somehow thing? When have I ever assumed you to be wrong? And as of today, you were wrong in how you behaved with him."

"And he wasn't wrong in calling me 'bro'?"

"Taruk is like that Ahaan. He is quite amicable. He befriends people in minutes!"

"Like you, for example!"- Ahaan scoffed.

"And what's wrong in that? I am his friend and he is a great guy, okay. Funny, intelligent, knows how to make good conversations and of course plays great basketball."

"Of course! Every person you come around is so sweet and friendly and what not!"

"Can you stop generalizing! We are talking about Taruk here and only him."

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