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The science exhibition had been a success for Ahaan, Amir and Arushi. In the due course of the preparation, they had also developed a rapport, a friendship they all cherished. Post the science exhibition, all three of them really didn't want to go back to their original routine of classes and lectures. But there wasn't any other avail as well. Arushi had realised that science was something she could not learn, just by reading books and attending classes. Ahaan had made her realise that to learn science, she had to look outside of textbooks, think out of the repertoire of the technical terms.

It had been two months since the science exhibition. Arushi had again started attending classes regularly. She had been praised quite a lot by her teachers and fellow mates. She had also received the permission to be a part of the science club of the school. It was an organization formed by the best students of each standard of the middle and high school.

This club promoted the discussion of science beyond the curriculum of the school. Ahaan and Amir were also members of the science club, and together they used to have lot of fun in the science club meets. Every day, a topic would be selected, and the students would actively research on them. The next day they would present their researches to the entire club and constructive criticism sessions. It was actually interesting to learn so much about the world- both the macro and the micro world.

The science club meet used to take place after school hours. Arushi had to stay back for an hour and a half after school hours. Arushi's mom had initially opposed to it, but her dad had insisted on her pursuing the science club meets. She couldn't avail the school bus after school, and hence Ahaan and Amir would accompany her home. This ensured Arushi's safety as well as some good dose of quality time for the trio. Arushi had introduced Ahaan and Amir to her parents. She was really grateful to both of them for accompanying Arushi.

 It usually took an hour for them to reach her place. It was a bus journey, followed by a half an hour stroll. Ahaan and Amir had become really important to Arushi in these few months. They had a common vibe that resonated in their talks and their jokes. The strolls were sometimes accompanied by philosophical talks, and sometimes by lame jokes that made them double up. Amir and Arushi were the people always talking and cracking jokes. They were two highly energetic people, always having something to say. Ahaan was more of a silent person, introspective. But Arushi and her antics made him really laugh.

Ahaan, Amir and Arushi while taking the stroll to her place, would have golguppas, candyfloss, or ice-creams someday or the other. Both Amir and Arushi were really foodie people, and street food was the 'GOD' for them. Amir had a whole list of street food stalls in Delhi and he had promised Arushi to take her to each and every one of them.................................................................................................

It was one such day, when Ahaan, Amir and Arushi were taking the stroll to her place. As usual, Amir and Arushi were engaged in their constant bantering.

 "Did you guys notice something?"

Ahaan suddenly spoke up.

"What?" Amir asked.

"You know two months ago, we were so confused about what would happen to our friendship, to our trio. And now look, where we are."

"That's destiny Ahaan. It pulls all threads together and connects souls on the same thread."

 Arushi was a strong believer in destiny just like Ahaan. But Amir didn't really hold a belief for destiny. Spontaneity was more of Amir's concept.Ahaan and Arushi had many similar concepts, and one of them was destiny.

 Both Ahaan and Arushi were strong believers in destiny and the divine connection of universe.

"You two started again, with your connection and all." Amir laughed it off.

"Guys, look!" Arushi said, pretty excited.

Ahaan and Amir exactly knew what it could be. If something could excite Arushi this much, it was none other than food.

It was an ice-gola stall. There hadn't been any ice-gola stall in Arushi's locality so far, and she was extremely delighted spotting one. Back at Baroda, this used to be her summer go-to drink.

"C'mon what are we waiting for?" Amir and Arushi headed towards the gola stall at full speed. It seemed as if two Jerries were running to catch the cheese pieces.

Ahaan joined them, although he had no plans of having one.

"You two are no less than kindergarten kids!" Ahaan said smiling broadly. He absolutely adored the childlike innocence in Amir and Arushi when they came across food.

"It's ice-gola Ahaan, I used to crave for it since I shifted to Delhi." Arushi's voice was sounding that of a child, who had just received the address of Charlie's Chocolate Factory.

"Ahaan, will you not try this one also?" Amir asked. He couldn't fathom how one could refuse ice-golas with so much conviction as Ahaan.

"No, thank you Amir. I am not a kid like both of you."

"Ahaan, please. Try it once. Please please please." Arushi pleaded.

 "Okay fine, just a bite."

 Ahaan had to give in to the two excited people.Ahaan actually loved being with Amir and Arushi. They were like two energetic kids, always grinning, laughing, and fooling around. With them, he never felt awkwardly out of place. Ahaan was an introvert, and he couldn't really socialize with people easily. Gatherings made him uncomfortable, conversations made him shrivelled. He had encapsulated himself in a cocoon since his parents passed away. He had grown out of attachment, he didn't want any other in his life. He couldn't bear the loss of another one, he couldn't even bear the fear of it.

 Ahaan's parents had passed away in a car accident when he was 6years old. Death wasn't something he could understand at that age. He didn't understand why he couldn't see them anymore, hear them anymore. He used to roam around the house, trying to call them out, just to hear them once, and see them once. Ahaan had shifted with his uncle to Delhi after the unfortunate incident and as he gradually grew up, he understood it all. He could fathom that his parents would never really come back, he could never hear them, could never see them. And with that thought came a feeling of guilt and grief. A feeling of self-loathe, a feeling of self-blaming.

 It had been quite a tough journey for Ahaan. He needed closure but then he was afraid, he didn't have a strength to bear another loss. But then Amir had come into his life, and then later Arushi. These two people had become really important in his life. With them Ahaan could be himself, his older self, the self he had buried long back. He never really let the two of them know how important they actually were, but then they were his 'buddies'. They knew how much he needed them.

But then, there had always been an unseen battle that Ahaan had always been fighting with destiny. It never let him be at peace. It never allowed him to get over his guilt, his grief. It had the divine plan of never letting Ahaan settle down with his emotions. The future had something in store for him that actually tuned his life upside down. ................................................................................................

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