; chapter 1 ;

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My love, would you ever leave me?
No. Of course not. Y/N!!!
She knew he was going to die.
I lov-


A bright light appears, You shake your head while water is dripping from your hair.

"Its about time you've woken up Y/N!" Your mother stated. "You should really get a job so that we can earn some more money, Go get ready and clean the house." She exclaimed.

You wipe your eyes and get up slowly grabbing a nearby towel, drying yourself while sighing.

"Why does life have to be so hard for me?" You thought to yourself.

You walked down the stairs and into the kitchen getting a broom, sweeping up every corner of the house.

Your family was low in money and your mother had to work a lot of hours in her job to get the extra money, You really wanted to help her but never knew how.

You usually spent your time reading fantasy books, detective books and romance stories since you didn't have much friends, Your only "friend" was your mother and your neighbours daughter, Her name was Aiko.

When you were younger you wanted to become a detective but mother never had the chance to take you to school, So thats why you always read stories learning more stuff about detectives.

After cleaning up, Your mother allowed you to go out to the bookstore with Aiko in the town nearby. She let you go out most of the times so that she could mingle with men for money.

You knock on Aiko's door waiting for her to open it, She never answered. It was weird because she would always answer but you just brushed it off.

You make your way to the bookstore nearby but then heard an interesting conversation between citizens.
You didn't really want to eavesdrop but the word "detective job" caught your eye. So you hide behind somebody while listening.

"Hiroshi, I've heard theres spots opening for detective jobs in the Police Station."

"Oh really? Maybe I could apply" The boy replies.

Your eyes lit up of excitement, A detective job was your dream job and you really needed the money to help your mother.

You skip happily to the Yae Publishing House waving at the bookseller "Kuroda".

He notices how happy the regular customer was, "What happened Y/N?, You look very happy today."He questioned.

"You know how I love detective books and I want to be a detective? I've just learned theres new detective spots opening up somewhere!" You cheered

"Thats amazing news! What is that somewhere if you know?" He asked

"Hmm.. I think it was the Police Station?" You replied

"But.. Im not sure where it is" You complained

"Ah the Police Station, Its just beside Netsuke no Gen Crafts!" He responded

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