; chapter 8 ;

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Y/N's Backstory (Starting at the age of 6)

You had a loving and stable family.
Your mother was a stay-at-home wife while your father was a swordsman who taught others. He never got to pass on his skills onto you, since you were very little but you watched him whenever he went to work. Some of the people he had taught are very famous nowadays, or.. they grew up to be bad Nobushi.

One day, You and your dad were walking around the neighbourhood. You both saw a little girl and her parents picking some flowers, They looked like they had cool clothes on and the little girl was wearing a red headband.

Your dad left you behind while walking up to her parents, They seemed to have a good laugh and seemed like good friends. Although you have never seen them before.

You walked up curiously to the little girl around your age picking flowers. You tapped her on the back and she turned around.

"Oh hi! You must be my neighbour?" You started to smile at her.

"Yes! Do you wanna be friends?"


In that very moment both of you became best friends, She would always knock on your door asking if you were allowed outside. You two always played detectives making up your own silly cases while her brother Ren was always the bad guy.

When your father noticed you were really into detectives, He started gifting you some books and hoped you would grow up to become a detective.

At the age of 10, Aiko was granted her pyro vision.
She came rushing to your house and explained the good news.

"Y/N! Y/N! I've gotten a vision!! Remember a week ago? Me and my mom went on a trip to Liyue! We saw the new Tianquan and she invited us for dinner. A few hours after that someone was being attacked by a Hilichurl, My mother was too busy so I tried to save them by trying to scare it off. The person thanked me and now here we are!
Oh oh! I read in one of the storybooks my father brought from Fontaine that a pyro vision means I have alot of passion? Ooh.. Isn't it cool Y/N?!"

"Woah Aiko, Slow down!! Thats so cool"

"Are you happy for me Y/N?"

"Yep!" Even though you were a "little" jealous, She was still your best friend and you had to be happy for her.

Shortly at the age of 11 things were falling apart with your parents. They had fights every single hour, every single second, and even millisecond.

You were getting overly fed up and overwhelmed with everything. One day you decided to pack your things, run away and head out to a forest. It had a big tree in the middle of it. You dropped your bag and sat down while it started to rain.

You were thinking about your parents and if they would hurt eachother, They didn't know where you were and were definitely worried sick.

Your started to cry in the rain, Feeling chilly and cold without nowhere to go. A few moments later you heard a woman's voice.

"Let it all out.."

You thought you were going crazy now since there was nobody here except you. For a few days you stayed under the tree without no food and warmth.
You decided to go back to your house and knocked on the door.

Your parents opened it but your dad was the first one to hug you and you all went in for a hug.

"Im.. hungry." Your belly started rumbling as you forgot to bring food on your "running away" plan.

"I'll whip up something for you right away." Your mother walked into the kitchen beginning to cook.

You followed her and smiled until a cryo vision popped out of nowhere. Both of you heard a small noise on the floor and looked down.

"Oh my gosh! A cryo vision?" You didn't know who owned it, or maybe it could be for you? You had alot of questions.

Your mother squinted her eyes at it analysing it before quickly picking it up.

"Huh?" You watched her quick movement with a confused look on your face.

"Thats a fake vision, It came from my necklace. Forget about it." She spoke quickly.

"Oh.. okay" You were a little bit sad when it wasn't for you, plus it was fake.

Oh my. If i sell this now, I'll have enough money to leave them both and possibly leave this country, Though selling it might take years. I'll have to find the perfect person.

Onwards from that day you forgot about the fake vision and continued on with life, Hanging out with Aiko and Ren, Staying at home with your family..

Life was the best! Until the disaster happened that changed your whole life and perspective of life.

You were 12 years old when the disaster happened.
Your parents kept arguing and arguing. Your dad was about to walk out of the door and get divorce papers until the vision hunt decree banged onto the door.

They walked into the house. You were hiding behind your mother scared for their lives. She whispered something to you.

"Y/N go upstairs."
You nodded and sneaked up to the top of the stairs, You still had a good view of what was going on.

"Are you L/N Kaito?"

"I am-"

They started pointing bows at him.
A girl with Indigo hair and an electro vision walked out from behind them, She looked around 4 years older than you.

"Hand over your electro vision." She put her hand out waiting for him to give it to her.

"What?!" He looked scared but then sooner realised who they were.

"Hand it over or they'll shoot." She demanded him.

He gave in and took it out of his pocket, scrunching it up in his hand before pulling his sword out.

"I wont go down without a fight!" He started charging at them before the girl zapped him and made him fall down.

"Pick it up. Hm.. extra jail time for that." She walked off as the others behind her dragged him out, shutting the door.

"DAD!" You shouted as loud as you could, Tumbling down the stairs to run after him but then your mother stopped you.

"Let him go Y/N." She sighed but her expression was blank, No emotions were shown. Just pure emptiness.

Your eyes were full with tears and you broke down crying before running upstairs and shutting your door.

You locked yourself in your room and just stayed there crying, for 3 weeks straight you couldn't get over him..

Cryo vision. Given to people who feel unloved or abandoned.

The end of Y/N's backstory.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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