; chapter 7 ;

295 12 7

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Symbol pops up.

Today you woke up by the sound of loud talking coming from downstairs, You quickly shot up and rushed downstairs only to slip and fall down. There was more ice everywhere, This time your mother was with a man..? and it seemed like she had something in her hand. A.. cryo vision?

You slowly walked over to the door frame, hiding behind it. She didn't have a vision which was weird and was very questionable.

"Sorry! I don't know how to control this stupid thing." She held the vision tight in her hand.

"You want that 30 million mora or not?" The man sounded annoyed and angry at her.

You had soo many questions.
First of all, Who owned the vision?!
Second of all, Why did she steal it?
Third of all, Why the hell is she selling it to some sketchy man?! Right.. I know the answer to that

The vision started losing it's colour and turned grey falling to the ground. She quickly picked it up and the man sighed, looking like he was about to get up. "If you cant handle that thing, deals off."

"Wait! I-Its my daughters. I'll get her down here to reactivate it, I promise!"

You couldn't believe what you had just heard. That was your vision?! It couldn't be... unless?

You jumped out from behind the door with a beyond furious look on your face.
"T-Thats my vision?!"

"I shouldn't have came." The man walked over towards the door went outside, glaring at your mother.

She turned around quickly and shouted.
"Archons, Get back upstairs Y/N!"

"No!" You walked towards her, pushing your hands forward and trying to grab the vision.

"I. Am. Your. Mother!" She slapped your hand away, making the vision fall back down to the ground.

Now it was now a race to see who could grab the vision first. You pushed yourself onto the icy floor while she lunged her hand forward, You picked up the cryo vision walking back slowly.

"Y/N, I can explain!"

"Explain why you've stolen my vision and kept it a secret for a long time to sell? Yeah, No thanks. And how much things of mine have you sold?!"

The vision sprung back to life while you were still talking. It's clear clear cyan blue was forming and you held it even tighter looking up towards her again. You looked at the door and sighed.

"Y/N don't do this... Please."
She looked like she had no more remorse, All she cared about was the money. Not even for her own daughter anymore.

"Good..Bye." You quickly ran outside shutting the door before you saw a duo.

It was Ren and Aiko, They were standing outside of your house, seemed like they were waiting for you.

"We heard-" They both started talking at the same time.

"No you go,"

"Are you sure?"

"I insist."

Aiko started to speak looking a bit worried.

"We heard shouts coming from inside of your house and a strange man walk out, He looked like he was annoyed so we.. waited for you to come out and ask, What was going on?"

Both of their focuses drifted over to the cryo vision in your hands.

"A.. cryo vision.. Who owns that Y/N?"
Ren started to ask while Aiko raised an eyebrow,
Both of them knew nobody in your family had a vision except your dad, But his was electro.

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