; chapter 4 ;

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Training was starting in 10 minutes and you walk over to your station, You look at Heizou's Station but he was too busy talking to Aiko.

You leaned your face onto your palm and sighed while reading some unsolved cases, You then remembered you had books in your bag so your reached for them happily.

You brought out your favourite book "Eridanus Flooding" (An actual book) and skipped to page 12 reading carefully.

In just a matter of minutes you've finished the book and gotten bored, Heizou doesn't seem to be doing anything so you try strike a conversation.

"Heizou! I-"

Suddenly Aiko walks in with a cup of coffee.

"Here you go Heizou" She smiles. "Enjoy!"

"Thanks so much Aiko!" He smiles back at her and she starts to fiddle with her fingers.

"What was that Y/N?" He turns to look at you.

"Uhm!" You grab a sheet and point to a random unsolved case. "Do you wanna solve this with me after training?" You ask.

"Sure, It seems very interesting" He grinned

"Alright everyone to your stations, Training is starting" The announcer announced.

After training.

I guess I'm a real detective now You thought to yourself while waiting for Heizou, he shortly comes after and sits infront of you.

Aiko walks up to you and sits beside you.

"Hey Y/N, do you think I could come with you guys?" She begged.

"Im not sure, this is more of a detective thing. Sorry Aiko" You sigh while gazing at her sharply.

"But I wanted to be a detective, Im fit for one and you know that!" She started clenching her fists.

"Aiko we really have somewhere to b-"

"Sure Aiko you can come with us, You have a vision right? Maybe you could help us fend off some dangerous criminals." He stated while exchanging a "Dont worry" look at you.

You sigh and start to soften your gaze.
"Alright! Lets get going shall we?" You put your hands together in a cheerful way

Aiko's vision was pyro but she didn't know how to control it much since she didn't know how to use it, everytime you went to her house before, She always burnt something or her vision goes out of control.

You were always kinda jealous of her having a vision since sometime she bragged about it but it didn't bother you much.

You start to read the sheet of paper.

"It seems that Kujou Takayuki needs some detectives to investigate the military capabilities of Sangonomiya." You reported

"First lets go towards to camp" He explained while Aiko was just following us like a lost puppy.

The 3 of you finally arrive there and theres carts filled with lots of stuff.

"Maybe we should split up?" Aiko muttered

"Great idea!" You two can go over there, tell me If you find anything. He pointed

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