; chapter 2 ;

527 19 17

For better experience: Play "Running Up That Hill" By Kate Bush when the

Symbol pops up.

You wake up happily without having your mother wake you up.

You just had a dream of the handsome boy from yesterday. Heizou.. Your heart skipped a beat everytime you thought of his name. It was like love at first sight, It was like those romance books you've read, hoping you would get a chance like that with someone.

Your mother barged into the room, "Y/N! Wak- Huh? Your awake already? Not like the usual you." She spoke.

"I dont have time, I'll clean and leave quickly!" You blurted.

"Actually. I was going to see if you wanted to go out, Someone is coming over today" She added.

"Oh thank you mother! But who?" You question.

"You dont need to know, just leave and go do something with your life. She yelled

"Oh, okay! Ill see you late mother." You grinned

You put on your shoes and run downstairs, skipping breakfast.

You think to yourself, I forgot to see if Aiko is okay, she wont mind if i go to her house later right? She probably wont.

You walk outside and skip happily to the Police Station, It seems like theres a lot of people here since they're announcing the new detectives.

You try to squeeze in through the crowd and end up on the side, I doubt i'll get in, but atleast i tried.

Heizou walks out of the Police Station and has a sheet of paper in his hand.

Your hearts starts to beat faster and faster as he starts to begin reading.

"Ahem. This years new detectives are...
Hiroshi Suzuki"

The man walks over to Heizou while bowing to the crowd and receives a golden badge.

"Haru Tanaka"

The 2nd man does the same.

"Last but not least..."

"Y/N L/N"

You freeze like a statue

Heizou starts looking for you and then spots you while clearing his throat and reading it again.

"Y/N L/N"

You snap out of it once again, your heart is beating very fast, super fast as all eyes are on you, some are even glaring at you with anger.

Someone shouts from the crowd. "How come SHE is getting in? I was way better than her"

The crowd starts booing you as you walk over to Heizou

"Ignore them." He whispered into your ear.

"Alright everyone! Time to go home" He announces.
"You can go in and Ill show you where your station is" He grins

"O-Okay!" You smile to yourself

You walk into the police station once again, Heizou guides you to your station, "Here it is!" He smiles
"I hope your comfortable here, If you need anything you know who to talk to"

You cant control yourself from blushing, even after this is the person you dreamt about last night.

He walks over to the station besides you and sits down.

"Huh?" You mumble.

"Hm? This is where my station is" He laughs, "Y/N your super funny you know that"

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