; chapter 5 ;

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It was day 5 after meeting Heizou.

You slap your hand onto your head after yesterday, You have a raging headache cause Aiko just wouldn't stop talking on the way home.

You were surprised your mother didn't wake you up today, You heard snores so It looked like she was still sleeping.

Maybe I should go to the station early today, Nobody would mind right?

You get out bed and put on some clothes, That reminded you, you were getting your pay-check on Sunday and It got you all excited because It meant mother might let you keep the job If she knew you were making money from it.

But then again, today was only Friday! The last day of work this week.

You grab your big bag and head downstairs quietly trying not to wake up your mother and headed outside.

Aiko seemed like she was still sleeping so you decided not to wake her up by knocking on her door.

As you walked into the city you noticed it wasn't that busy, Right it was like 7:30 in the morning, of course it wouldn't be busy.

You spot a little boy on the road, It looked like he was lost and you stopped for a second, walking over to him without thinking.

You crouched down to his level placing your hands on your knees, he looked about 7 years old.

"Hey, Are you lost?" You question him.

He started crying. "W-Wheres mommy?"

You turned to the right and heard a woman shouting, "Akira where are you!!"

You turned back towards to boy pointing to the woman, "Is she your mother?"

"Y-yes! Mamaaaa"

You hold his hand and guide him over to her.

She scans you up and down and then slaps your hand.

You quickly pulled your hand away and let out an "Ouch!" You looked up to the raging woman.

"Don't ever try kidnap my child again you homeless brat!" She yelled.

You were shocked, but you just nodded and walked away. All the kids in the estate always used to make fun of you looking "homeless" except for Aiko.

I..probably need some new clothes.

You reached the Police Station and sighed before entering. It was.. empty? Ah wait. There was a familiar figure sitting down on the floor

It was Heizou, You froze when you looked down.

You could see his abs, He was wiping his face with his shirt and he looked a bit sweaty.

You were sooo hoping he didn't see you since red started flooding your cheeks and you could feel the heat.

You quickly turned around and almost walked out when someone called.

"Y/N?" He tapped your back knowing it was you.

Your mind was all over the place.

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