; chapter 6 ;

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Symbol pops up.

It was finally Saturday! The day off from work and also day 7 of meeting Heizou. Payday was tomorrow and that was a really good thing.

You remembered what happened to your mother so you got up and walked into her room but she was surprisingly awake, It looked like she was reading?!

"Are you okay?" You questioned her tilting your head a bit confused since she acted a bit odd.

She ignored you completely still reading the book.

Whats so special about that book? She doesn't even read books. You thought to yourself.

You started scanning the book trying to get a glance of it, it looked like the title was "A Guide to Visions"

You were confused on why she was reading a vision guide book but shrugged it off and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

After having your favourite food for breakfast you remembered what happened yesterday.

"All those clothes I've bought, maybe I should test them out to see if they fit? Since I really didn't ask for the measurements.."

You walk up the stairs and into your room opening your bag and arranging all of the new clothes until you came across a certain one.

It was the short pink gown that was right above your knees the woman had suggested, or in her terms "Delicate Pink Floral Gown" Maybe I should test this out first?

You slid your hand against it feeling the soft material before trying it on.

You put it on and it really fit you, that was a good thing. You walked over to a mirror nearby gazing at yourself in it.

"I look so... different?" You started turning around to see the back of it and may have done a few poses, Also putting your hair up in a bun.

You snapped out of it then thought to yourself.
I should give the woman a thanks for suggesting this plus giving me a discount once more.

You rushed downstairs and out the door until a familiar voice stopped you.

"Where ya going princess?" A dark haired boy called out to you from a window. It was Ren, Aiko's brother, and the person you used to adore even though he could be a bit annoying.

"Uhm.. to the clothing store! And why are you asking?" You glared at him.

"Hold on, I'm coming down!" He avoided the question completely.

You were a bit annoyed by him avoiding it so you rolled your eyes and walked away, But then he caught up to you and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"What do you want?" You raised an eyebrow.

"I can escort you there princess. Its morning and you know.. alot of bad things happen around here at this time." He added.

"Stop calling me princess. And I'm fine, I can handle myself." You really knew you couldn't.

You started walking again and he just kept following you, You knew you couldn't do anything about it so you just tried ignoring him.

The silence was getting awkward while both of you were walking so you decided to break it.

"So.. why do you care about me?"

"I never said I cared about you-"

"Then go home."

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