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Foxfire after midterms was always overly bright. Glowing streamers hung from every corner, every door, every window, and every wall.

Bubbles with candy and all sorts of treats floated around the school, and confetti and flowers covered the floor.

As soon as they stepped inside the building, Keefe didn't even try to leave Lord Cassius's side, since his father thought he was too old for childish gifts and he would have to accompany Keefe while dropping off gifts for his friends.

Lord Cassius wouldn't let him leave.

They went to Keefe's locker first, and Lord Cassius scowled in disapproval. "Your locker is a mess, Keefe. As my son, you should keep everything neat and clean like I do."

Keefe didn't say anything as he shoved his bag into his locker and slammed it shut. The sound of metal ringing loudly made Lord Cassius scowl harder as parents and their children turned to stare. Keefe almost smiled at his discomfort, but he didn't dare to in front of his father.

Keefe turned to Fitz's locker and dropped a bright blue package into his thinking cap.

Keefe kept walking down the hall, dropping gifts into some students' thinking caps as he walked.

At the far end of the hall, Keefe saw a familiar figure standing next to a mentor. His dad probably recognized the mentor because he raised an eyebrow and herded Keefe in that direction.

Keefe kept his mouth shut as Lord Cassius approached Sophie and.. Sir Tiergan?

"Well, well, who do we have here?" Lord Cassius said. They both turned around quickly, and Keefe felt Sophie's emotions drop. It stung, a little bit, that she would feel like that when she saw Keefe, since she didn't know his father yet.

Lord Cassius frowned. Could he feel her emotions without contact too? Either way, Cassius brushed the emotion off his face and said, "This must be the girl who was raised by humans." Keefe could literally feel Sophie internally cringe, and Lord Cassius must have too, since he allowed himself a small smile.

Keefe wanted to smack that smug grin off of his face.

"How curious to find her in the level four wing, talking to Foxfire's most infamous mentor." Keefe couldn't help but notice how he had stressed the word infamous.

"Infamous?" Sophie asked. Wow, she really didn't know anything. He knew she had glanced at Keefe, but he didn't dare look up, not with his father around. He didn't want her to see what his father did to him.

Lord Cassius grinned, but it wasn't a real smile. Everything about him looked completely fake. "Few mentors have resigned then returned years later- out of the blue- to train a mystery prodigy." He winked, and Keefe felt like throwing up.

He could tell Foster felt just as annoyed and angry at Cassius as he did, and he welcomed that feeling. It wasn't pity.

But her cheeks also turned bright red and she didn't say anything. Sir Tiergan spoke for her. "Interesting theory, Cassius.."

His father interrupted. "Lord Cassius."

Tiergan's jaw tightened and Sophie didn't even bother to hide her eye roll. "Lord Cassius. But do you really think I could be tempted back by a little girl? Especially one performing so unremarkably in her sessions?"

Keefe could feel Sophie's hurt and decided that this conversation had to be over. But not before noticing the same thing his father did. How did he know how Sophie was doing in school if he wasn't her mentor? Why did they stop to talk in the first place?

Either way, he said, "Come on, Dad." He looked over at Sophie and hoped she could read the apology in his eyes. He could tell she understood. "I'm sure Fos.." He caught himself. "Er- Sophie has somewhere she needs to be."

KEEFER Of The Lost Cities(EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now