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"You're pregnant again," Poppy said. "What? Albus and I didn't expect to have another baby," Minerva said. "I mean it was a shock to find out about Rosemary and we love her so much but we're so busy taking care of Rosemary and I've got to teach classes when school's in session while Albus is the headmaster of Hogwarts," Minerva said. "You can always abort the baby," Poppy said. "I'll talk to Albus about it," Minerva said. "Alright Minerva," Poppy said.

Minerva went to her and Albus's private quarters. Albus was at the desk in the living room of their private quarters. Rosemary was on his lap. He looked up as Minerva walked in. "Mama," Rosemary said. "Hi kitten, did you have a nice nap?" Minerva said, lifting Rosemary from Albus's lap. "Yes," Rosemary said with a big smile. "That's good, kitten," Minerva said. "How was the visit to the Hospital Wing?" Albus said. "Well, I found out that we're about to have another little kitten," Minerva said, putting Rosemary down by the coffee table in the living room with some parchment and crayons. Albus looked up with wide eyes. He stood up and went to Minerva. He lifted Minerva and spun her around. "You're not mad about having another baby?" she said. "Mad? Why would I be mad? We're about to have another baby," he said. "I'm just so worried," she said. "What are you worried about, my dear?" he said. "I'm worried about how Rosemary will react to having a younger sibling and the war against you-know-who," she said. "I know but we'll raise our kids together and we'll make sure that our kids are happy and healthy and grow up safely," he said. "Alright," she said. "I love you," he said. "I love you too," she said. She put Rosemary down for a nap after talking to Albus about being pregnant for a second time. Minerva wanted to lay down for a little while. She was getting exhausted with this pregnancy. She thought that her fatigue was due to raising a child that's so young and being a teacher and deputy headmistress at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry every day.

"I've got to go lay down. I'm starting to feel really nauseous," Minerva said. "Alright," Albus said. She went and laid down in their room. She was asleep when Albus checked on her a few minutes later. She was exhausted so far in the second pregnancy. The second pregnancy seemed to be harder than the first for Minerva. He was happy to be having another baby, but he was also nervous to be having another baby. He thought that it was something more serious. 

A new baby.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ