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The following morning, Albus woke up. Minerva was supposed to be on bedrest, so he got up gently without waking her. He went to check on Rosemary and she was still asleep. He went to quietly get dressed without disturbing Minerva. He went and woke Rosemary up for the day. She was happy and she was laughing. He got her dressed for the day. She squirmed and tried to get away from him. He tried to quickly get Rosemary dressed for the day and not make too much noise in doing so. He needed to hurry up and leave before Minerva woke up as well.

Minerva woke up and came to the living room as Albus and Rosemary were about to leave. "Where do you two think you two are going?" Minerva said. "Minerva, you need to be on bedrest. What are you doing out of bed?" Albus said. "I wanted to say that I love you and I can watch Rosemary since I am on bedrest," she said. "Are you sure?" she said. "Yes, I'm sure," she said. Albus knew that he couldn't get away from Minerva so easily now. He had to sit and eat breakfast in their private quarters. He hoped he could go and eat in the Great Hall for breakfast.

Albus soon had to leave to teach Minerva's classes. "I've got to get going so I won't be late," Albus said as he helped Minerva get settled onto the couch. "Alright, I love you," Minerva said. "I love you too," he said. He gave her a kiss on her forehead. A little body hit Albus in the leg. He looked down and saw Rosemary hugging his leg. He knelt down and gave her a hug. "I love you daddy," Rosemary said. "I love you too, kitten. You need to behave for your mommy as she can't get up and chase after you right now," he said. "Okay daddy," Rosemary said, smiling.

At lunch, Rosemary was starting to get hungry. She was having a tantrum because she was hungry and tired. She needed to eat lunch and lay down for a nap. Minerva was also tired and needed a nap. Minerva was getting frustrated because Rosemary was having a tantrum. Poppy came in to check on Minerva. Rosemary was still having her tantrum. Minerva was on the verge of yelling at Rosemary for no reason. Minerva didn't know what to do for Rosemary right now.

"Minerva, I came to see how you're feeling," Poppy said. "I'm feeling fine but I'm emotionally drained. Rosemary is having a tantrum because she's tired and hungry," Minerva said. "Alright, I will help you to get her fed and down for a nap, so you don't have to strain yourself," Poppy said. "Thank you, Poppy," Minerva said. Poppy helped to feed Rosemary some lunch and put her down for a nap. Poppy was happy to help Minerva with Rosemary at any time.

"Rosemary, it's time for you to go down for a nap," Minerva said. Rosemary started to cry. "No, mama, no nap," Rosemary said. "You need a nap. You're tired," Minerva said. "I'm not tired mama," Rosemary said. "Yes you are," Minerva said. Rosemary continued to cry. "Rosemary, you're father told you to behave. Do you want your daddy to come here? He'll put you down for a nap himself," Minerva said. "I'm not tired," Rosemary said. Rosemary continued to cry until she finally fell asleep in Poppy's arms. Minerva needed to have a nap as well.

That evening around six p.m., Albus came back to the private quarters for dinner. He wanted to have dinner with his family. Minerva and Rosemary were both happy to see him. Rosemary told him how much she missed him. She jumped right into his arms. Minerva was awake after having a nap, but she was still laying on the couch in the living room with her feet up. Minerva was also covered with a blanket. Rosemary was sitting on the floor by the couch.

Albus walked into the private quarters. Rosemary ran up to him and jumped into his arms. "Daddy," Rosemary said, running up to him and jumping into his arms. "Hello kitten," he said, catching her in his arms. He walked over to Minerva, who was laying on the couch. She was smiling when he came in. Rosemary was cuddled up to Albus's chest now in his arms.

"How was your day with Rosemary?" he asked. "Well, it was fine, except for around lunch time when she was tired and hungry. She threw a tantrum around lunch. Poppy came by to check on me and she helped me take care of her and calm her down. Poppy also helped feed her lunch and put her down for a nap," Minerva said. "Rosemary, I told you to behave your mommy. You need to apologize right now," Albus scolded Rosemary. He put Rosemary down and she went over to Minerva. "I'm sorry mama," Rosemary said. "It's okay sweetheart," Minerva said.

Albus put Rosemary to bed for the rest of the night. Rosemary tried to refuse to go to bed. Rosemary wanted to stay up for a little longer. Albus put her to bed when it was her bedtime. Rosemary was asleep within a few seconds after he tucked her in under her blankets. Albus had to quietly leave the room to not wake her up. Rosemary was their little bundle of joy in their world, and they were about to have another bundle of joy in their world. They were happy.

"We should get some rest as well, my love," Albus said when Minerva started to yawn. "I'm exhausted, even though I didn't really do much of anything today," she said. "You took care of our daughter today and you graded students' work today," he said. "I know but other than that I didn't do much of anything," she said. "You should get some rest anyway because you're pregnant and you need the rest," he said. He pulled her gently off the couch and they went to bed for the night. Minerva slept comfortably through the whole night. Rosemary didn't wake up through the night either. Albus had the most peaceful sleep that he had in seven months.

Albus woke up the following morning. Minerva was already awake, and she was watching him sleep. She gave him a kiss on the lips. "Good morning," he said, breaking the kiss. "Good morning," she said. Rosemary came in and jumped up onto the bed. She crawled up in between her parents. She was sniffling because she was crying. "What's wrong, kitten?" Minerva said. "I want mama," Rosemary said. "Mama's right here," Minerva said, immediately hugging Rosemary. "You're mommy's not going anywhere," Albus said. Rosemary cuddled up into a tight ball into Minerva's side. "Mommy and daddy both love you," Albus said gently to her.

"I know that I haven't been on bedrest for very long but I'm already sick of it," Minerva said. "I know, but it's best for both you and the baby right now," Albus said. "Will you be with us at lunch?" she said. "I will be with you at lunch," he said. "We'll see you then," she said. "Alright," he said. He hugged and kissed Rosemary and Minerva. Minerva was able to do little things with Rosemary. Rosemary needed to be taken care of during the day. She needed Minerva to do little things with her. Minerva was able to do little things with Rosemary. Rosemary was happy to spend more time with her mother now. Minerva wanted to spend some time with Rosemary before she had the baby in two months. Rosemary was excited to be a big sister soon. Minerva was a little nervous about how Rosemary would react to Minerva holding another baby. Minerva wanted to be able to take care of both of her and Albus's children. She was a mother after all. She wanted to be the best mother that she could to Rosemary and the new baby. She knew that she was doing her best to take care of Rosemary and herself while pregnant. 

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