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"Are you sure you're feeling well Minerva?" Albus said. "I'm fine Albus, I'm just tired of being pregnant already," Minerva said. Minerva gagged and leaned over the toilet to throw up. She finished throwing up and she leaned against Albus's chest. "I'm sorry, Albus, I'm trying to be strong, but I can't," she said. "Perhaps Poppy should come and make sure everything is alright," he said. "I guess she should," she said. He helped her up off the bathroom floor out to the couch in the living room. Rosemary woke up and came running to the living room.

"Mama, daddy," Rosemary said. "Good morning kitten," Minerva said. "Good morning little one," Albus said. Both parents each hugged and kissed the little girl. "We love you kitten," Albus said. Rosemary laughed as they hugged and kissed her. Albus had a house elf bring breakfast up for the family. Rosemary wanted to sit on Minerva's lap until breakfast got there.

"Rosemary, you are a big girl. You can go play with your toys," Minerva said. "Mama," Rosemary said. "I love you, but you can't be acting like this," Minerva said. "Mama," Rosemary said. Rosemary continued to cry for twenty minutes as they waited for breakfast to come to their quarters. Rosemary soon calmed down. Breakfast was set up in the living room by this time.

"Rosemary, you need to sit down and eat," Albus said. Rosemary sat down and ate her breakfast. Rosemary was still sniffling from crying, but she was willing to listen to her parents now that breakfast was served. Minerva was looking a little stressed from the behavior of their daughter. Albus told her to rest a little after breakfast. Rosemary just wanted breakfast now.

"Are you feeling any better now that you've had breakfast, Minerva?" Albus said. "No, I still feel extremely nauseous. I think you should call Poppy," Minerva said. "Alright, I'll send her a patronus message," he said. "Alright," she said. "Just try to rest until she comes," he said. "I will try," she said. She settled down on the couch and he pulled a blanket over her. 

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