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Three months later, Minerva was not really able to sleep at night anymore. She was starting to feel the baby move. She was excited when the baby moved for the first time. She allowed Albus to even feel the baby move as this was his baby as well. She was mostly feeling the baby move at night. She was unable to sleep because of the baby moving through the night. She was also too stressed to sleep through the entire night. She was grading students' tests and homework papers and she was raising a little girl. Rosemary was hyper and always running around. Minerva didn't want to take a day off from teaching her classes and grading papers.

It was almost three in the morning and Minerva couldn't sleep despite how exhausted she was. She was feeling the baby move and it wasn't allowing her to get a wink of sleep during the night. She kept tossing and turning in bed and it woke Albus up. "What's wrong, Minerva, my love?" Albus asked. "The baby is just moving, and I can't sleep because of it," Minerva said. "I'll get you a glass of warm milk to help you sleep," he said. "Thank you," she said, smiling.

He got up and left the room. He came back a few minutes later with a glass of warm milk for Minerva. She sat up on the bed and took the cup from Albus. She drank the milk out of the cup, and he took it from her and went to put it in the sink in the little kitchenette of the private quarters. When he came back, Minerva was peacefully asleep in bed. He got into bed himself. He cuddled himself up to Minerva and tucked them both in under the blankets. Minerva cuddled up to him under the blankets. He held her protectively in his arms as she was pregnant with a baby.

The following morning, Minerva was having restless sleep again. She decided to get up and get a cup of tea. She put on her robe and went into the living room and called for a house elf to get a cup of tea. She went to check on Rosemary who was still peacefully asleep in her bed, tucked under her blankets. Her favorite toy Porlock was on the floor by the bed. Minerva went over and picked the toy up off the floor and placed it next to the little girl on the bed gently.

She sat at the table and slowly sipped her tea. She had a hand on her slowly growing baby bump, and she was feeling the baby move. The baby was kicking at her hand. She was tired from the rough night's sleep. She was going to try to make it through the day without a nap. She was strong and she was pregnant once before. She could handle being pregnant for a second time.

Two arms wrapped around her shoulders as she finished her cup of tea. She knew that it was Albus because Rosemary couldn't reach her shoulders by herself. "Good morning, my dear," he said. "Good morning, Albus, my love," she said. "You're up early this morning," he said. "I know, I woke from the baby moving," she said. He put a hand on her baby bump. He pulled her chair away from the table and he bent down to her stomach and lifted her night shirt. "You have to calm down for mommy once in a while little one. You're keeping her awake. She needs to rest so you can be born healthy," he said to her stomach. She couldn't help but giggle at him. There was a kick from inside her stomach. "Albus," she said, giggling and putting a hand on her stomach gently. Rosemary came running to the living room and she was smiling and laughing. 

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