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Minerva returned to teaching her classes a few days later. It was a Monday morning. Rosemary cried when Minerva had to go teach classes. Rosemary wanted to be with Minerva all day. It was the first day of classes for the students and they had the sorting ceremony for the first years the night before. Rosemary was up late due to the sorting. She was still tired from the night before. It was understandable that Rosemary wanted Minerva to be with her too. Albus thought a nap would help her feel better and not be so grumpy and wanted her mother not to leave her.

He had a playpen in his office where Rosemary could sleep if she needed a nap during the day. She was a little girl who still needed a nap during the day. Rosemary had been a daddy's little girl for the past few years and now all of a sudden she wanted to be with her mother. She must know that things are going to change a lot within the next nine months and her whole world is going to be flipped upside down. He knew that Rosemary still needed a lot of attention since she is only a three-year-old little girl. He needed to be a parent and help Minerva with Rosemary during the pregnancy. He knew that there would be days that Minerva didn't feel well. He would take over her classes when he needed to, and he would leave Rosemary with Madam Pomfrey on those days. He couldn't believe that he was a father. He was a pretty great father to Rosemary, and he was going to continue to be a father to his little girl and his new little baby. He was just getting the hang of being a father and now he was getting another baby in the mix of the family.

Minerva taught her all her classes. Many students weren't surprised to see the transfiguration professor teaching at Hogwarts while raising a young child. She was stronger than anyone thought she was. Minerva knew that Rosemary needed her to be there for her. It made her upset to see her daughter upset and wanting to be held by her constantly. She knew that she wouldn't be able to see Rosemary all the time now because she was pregnant. Rosemary loved to constantly be held. She was able to see Rosemary at lunch and through her free period which was during the last class of the day. Rosemary was able to sit on Minerva's lap during the last period of the day as they sat in Albus's office together. Rosemary was happy to be with her mother.

"I love you mama," Rosemary said. "I love you too, kitten," Minerva said. Rosemary cuddled up close to Minerva. Minerva allowed Rosemary to cuddle up to her. Minerva started to yawn. Albus took Rosemary from Minerva and told Minerva to go and take a nap before dinner. Minerva was reluctant to rest before dinner. Her body was once again getting used to getting used to pregnancy hormones. She expected to go on bed rest eventually during the pregnancy.

"You should go lay down and rest a little before dinner," Albus said, gently taking Rosemary from Minerva's lap. "I'm fine, Albus, I promise," Minerva said. "You're yawning and you're falling asleep," he said. "I promise I'm fine; I'll lay down after dinner," she said. "Please go lay down; you'll feel better after a nap," he said. "It'll make me feel better or it'll make you feel better?" she said. "How about both?" he said. "Alright, I'll go lay down for a bit before dinner," she said. They went to their private quarters so Minerva could get some rest.

Minerva was able to read Rosemary a story before falling asleep comfortably on the bed. Albus took Rosemary out of the room to play in the living room while Minerva napped in bed. Rosemary played on the floor and Albus sat with her and played with her. He gave her a snack. Her snack was a lemon chocolate chip cookie and a glass of milk. It was her favorite snack. She had other snacks to eat every day. She had lemon chocolate chip cookies once a week. She wanted them every day, but her parents mostly said no to them every day. She ate well though. Albus soon went to wake Minerva up for dinner. Rosemary was still in the living room waiting for her parents to get ready to go to dinner. Albus got her ready for dinner before he went to wake Minerva up and get ready for dinner. Rosemary was told to wait for them to get ready to be able to go to the Great Hall for dinner. Rosemary ran up and hugged Minerva when she came into the living room. Minerva happily returned the hug to her daughter. She even lifted Rosemary into her arms. Rosemary was laughing the whole time while being held and it made both of her parents smile along with her. She brought more light into their lives than any Lumos charm could ever do for them. She was such a perfect little girl, and she was well behaved. 

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