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Minerva had a near miscarriage when she started her seventh month of the pregnancy. She needed to stay in the hospital wing for a couple of days. She had some vaginal bleeding, and she also had some irregular contractions. She went to Madam Pomfrey to see what was wrong. She felt that she did something wrong to have a near miscarriage and she was emotional as well.

"You should rest, Minerva. You almost lost your baby," Poppy said. "I feel like I can't because I almost lost my baby," Minerva said, starting to cry. "Everything's going to be fine," Poppy said. Poppy left for a moment and came back with a relaxation potion in her hand. Poppy handed it to Minerva and Minerva took it without a fuss. She calmed down in a few seconds.

Albus came in and saw Minerva sleeping on one of the beds. He went over to Poppy to see what happened with Minerva and to see how she was doing now. "How is she, Poppy?" Albus said. "Minerva is fine. She had a near miscarriage, but I managed to stop the miscarriage and I gave her a relaxation potion to make her calmer and be able to get a little sleep," Poppy said. "Thank you for helping her Poppy," he said. "You're welcome. You should also be thanking Fawkes because his tears helped her and the baby," Poppy said. Fawkes flew over to Albus and landed on his shoulder. "Thank you Fawkes," he said. Poppy handed Albus a treat for Fawkes. Fawkes whistled in response to Albus after eating the bird treat. It made Albus smile.

Minerva soon woke up and saw Albus next to her. He was holding her hand. She squeezed his hand as hard as she could. He looked at her and gave her a kiss gently on her forehead. "How are you, Minerva?" he asked. "I'm tired and a little sore, but I'm alright," she said, smiling tiredly. He gave her a smile as well. "Where's Rosemary?" Minerva said. "She's right here," Poppy said, carrying Rosemary over to them. "Mama," Rosemary said. "There's our little kitten," Minerva said. Poppy gently placed Rosemary next to Minerva on the bed. Rosemary gave Minerva a hug. "I love you mama," Rosemary said. "I love you too kitten," Minerva said. "Minerva, you will need to go on bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy," Poppy said. "Do I really have too go on bedrest?" Minerva said. "It will prevent another near miscarriage if not a real miscarriage," Poppy said. "Alright, but what about my classes?" Minerva said. "I can take over your classes for the rest of the term," Albus said. "Thank you, Albus, but leave the grading to me. It's the least I can do if I can't teach my classes," Minerva said. "Alright, I'll save the grading for you," he said. "She can go back to your private quarters," Poppy said. "Thank you again, Poppy," Minerva said. "You're welcome," Poppy said. Minerva got ready to leave the hospital wing and go back the private quarters that she shared with Albus and Rosemary. Albus was going to have to do more for Minerva and Rosemary and he knew it. 

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