I tried

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I tried
And I tried
And I tried
Oh God, I tried

But it was never enough

The tears on my cheeks
The blood on my thighs
Falling down slowly
Like the pills I took last night

It was never enough
Like the love I teared off my sleve
Left out for everyone to see
And I tried to let it be enough

I tried
And I tried
And I tried
Fuck, I tried

The tears on my cheeks
And all the love I left out
For everyone to see
It will never be enough

It will never be enough
Even if I try and I try and I will try
All the tears on my cheeks will fall
For all the things left to be

Things I shouldn't care about
Things I couldn't dare to change
For it's not mine the responsibility

Even if I would give out all the love
I teared off my sleve for everyone to pick
I am never enough

Questa è estremamente personale. Se mai qualcuno dovesse sentire anche soltanto un verso vibrare con la propria anima, me lo faccia sapere.

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