Luna's origin

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???'s pov

Hey. Your all wondering 'Who am I?' Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Luna. Believe it or not where I come from, is a world of dreams but I wasn't raised there. Your wondering how I came to be right? Well then let me tell you. It started in the world I came from. The world of dreams. You already know my mothers origin and yes. I am NIGHTS daughter. But I'm also Wizelights daughter too. I was born to be special. In a good way that is. The ideya guardians were outside waiting for my arrival as much as the friends my mother made.

Normal POV

Ruthia and the other ideya guardians were anxious for the arrival of the new pure hearted nightmaren. Shine asked impatiently, "Uuuhgghhhh!! How long is this going to take?!" Owl said calmly, "Patience Shine. We'll see the little miracle soon enough." Shine muttered under his breath, "I hope so. The blue ideya isn't gonna guard itself." Thats when Wizelight came out as Witnessa said to him, "Lord Wizelight. Is it here?" Wizelight smiled and said as he nodded, "She's here everyone. Come and see." They came inside the tree as they saw NIGHTS on the sofa with her newborn child. It's a girl. With lavender and nightshade flower hair with a hint of golden sunshine hair over her right eye, her skin was smooth and fair, her eyes were blue just like NIGHTS. She was a combination of NIGHTS and Wizelight. Grower-Glow said as he smiled, "Shes beautiful." Ruthia had tears in her eyes. Hollia then asked, "What will you name this perfect princess of the stars?" NIGHTS answered, "Her name is LunarStarlight." Everyone smiled as Wizelight said as NIGHTS handed their daughter to him, "It's a beautiful name." Nights smiled. To celebrate her birth the ideya guardians launch multiple colored stars into the skies of the dream gate. That's when NIGHTS friends walked to them. Helen breathed heavily and said, "S-Sorry we're late. Annie kept taking too long." Anastasia (Helens little sister) said, "Hey it's not my fault. I just didn't know how to get ready." Will and Elliot laughed as Claris and Margaret (Helens older sister) rolled their eyes and shook their heads. Elliot walked to them and said, "Anyways can we possibly see your kid NIGHTS?" The rebel Nightmaren nodded and let her friends see Baby LunarStarlight. She yawned cutely as the girls hearts melted at the sight of the baby. The boys smile as Will said, "She's as lovely as the stars."  Elliot said, "No she's radiant as the sun." Then Will and Elliot started arguing about how she's lovely as the stars and she's radiant as the sun. Though Wizelight broke up the fight and said, "Knock it off. She's both radiant and lovely. Geez you two behave like a couple of toddlers in the waking world." Will and Elliot pouted and said, "Sorry." Helen and her two sisters giggled. Claris then looked at the baby and said, "I'm happy for you and Wizelight NIGHTS." Ruthia said to NIGHTS, "Didn't you invite your old friend?" NIGHTS gasped and said, "Oh no. I forgot to invite Sonic here too." Shine stated, "Ehh we'll show him Lady LunarStarlight later but right now let's just celebrate this moment." Wizelight then frowned in concern as NIGHTS turn to Wizelight and asked, "Darling. What's wrong?" Wizelight said with concern, "We better make sure our daughter is safe. I have a feeling my brother has heard the news." NIGHTS had a frown on her face and said as she looked at the sky, "I'll have some nightopian guards on duty." Wizelight called for the captain of the nightopian guards (which are similar to nightopians but taller with armor, bigger angel wings, brighter halos and more braver than the average nightopian). Wizelight said to the captain of the guards, "I need you all to double the guards, double the magic, and double everything. My brother and his nightmaren army cannot steal our daughter from us." The nightopian guard captain replied with a solute, "Right away Lord Wizelight!" The nightopian guard captain flew off. NIGHTS with her baby in her arms said, "You think it will work sweetie?" Wizelight sighs and said to his soulmate, "For once I'm not sure." Although Wizelight can never be wrong until this fateful night.

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