I love you Sonic

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Once it was night time, 10 month old Luna was asleep in her crib. It was only four months since Sonic and Young Luna moved to Angel Island with Knuckles. Sonic was looking at Luna 'like a mother bird watching over her child.' Luna cooed cutely in her sleep. Sonic whispered, "She's really a little Angel when she's asleep. My ten month old baby girl." He chuckled quietly. That's when Knuckles asked, "Can we talk Sonic?" The blue hedgehog turns to Knuckles and said, "You sure?" Knuckles nodded as Sonic blushed. The two walked out into the beautiful night. The stars were beautiful and sparkly at night. Sonic asked, "Hey Knuckles?" Knuckles replied with a 'hm?' As he turned to him. Sonic asked, "Was is it you wanted to tell me?" Knuckles blushed and said, "Well? It's more of a confession Blue boy." Sonic takes his hand and said, "You can tell me anything Knux. I'm your best friend." He muttered, "...Yet I wanna more than a best friend." Knuckles asked, "What was that?" Sonic replied quickly with a blush, "Nothing! Nothing at all!" Knuckles chuckled at the way Sonic reacted. He sighed just after he stopped chuckling. He composed to himself and said, "Anyways I wanna say... No I actually wanna make a confession." Sonic sighed deeply and said, "Just confess what you wanna say Knuckles I'll understand. But before you do mind if I say something?" Knuckles asked, "What?" Sonic replied with a blush, "I have reasons for teasing you. It's because I.. I like you. I mean I really really like you. As in I love you Knucklehead." Knuckles blushed before he said as he took his hand, "I love you too. Thats was what I wanna confess. I actually love you. No matter how annoying you can be. Your actually cute." Sonic blushed before he smiled and kissed Knuckles cheek. The two smiled while gazing into each other's eyes. That's when they heard a familiar baby babbling. They turn to see Luna (awake and sitting up). Sonic asked as he picked her up, "Luna? How'd you get out of your crib young lady? We're you awake the whole time?" Luna giggled before Knuckles said, "Probably thought it be funny that she fool us into thinking she was asleep." Sonic replied, "Uhh yeah. But how did she get out of her crib? She's not even old enough to climb, not if she's 2 years old." Knuckles thought about it and said, "Maybe we should worry about later. Let's get back to bed." Sonic nodded and said, "Agree." He then turn to Luna and said, "And you, young lady your lucky your too cute for me & him to be mad at. Me and Knuckles are going to keep an eye on you just in case." Knuckles jokes to him as they entered the hut, "Maybe she learned how to be acrobat at a young age." Sonic chuckled and said, "Your hilarious. But that still doesn't explain how she got out of her crib." Knuckles replied as they sat down, "Sonic I told you not to worry about that now. It's not like she just flew out of the crib and crawled to us." Sonic sighed and said, "Heheh. Flew out of her crib? That's funny." Knuckles then asked, "You wanna be my boyfriend?" Sonic nodded as Luna happily cooed. The two snuggled each other as they snuggled Luna.

Luna's pov

See what I mean? They're cute together and I'm glad they are. But uhhh... What they said is actually true even though they didn't know they were right. I pretended to sleep just so I can see what Dad and Papa are up to. I did fly out of the crib but I landed outside the hut. Though I did crawl to them and sat down. Yeah I'm just like my mother. Mischievous but fun loving. *giggling*. If you saw how mischievous Mother has been you would totally get it. Anyways over time I turned into a little girl as Dad and Papa watched grow up year after year. Though at the night dimension, the Ideya guardians had to make a plan when Father told them where I was. This happened at the same moment I was getting raised at Angel island.

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