Knuckles finds out Part 1

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It was already two months since Infinite and Mephiles killed Eggman and started a new battle against Sonic and friends. Knuckles was at Angel Island resting and guarding the Master Emerald. It was piece and quiet for the red echidna. A little too quiet perhaps. Knuckles opened one of his eyes and thought, "Thats weird. Nobody has been bothering me. Especially Sonic. He's barely been seen in two months. He only shows up when Mephiles and Infinite attack. He's also turn down our celebrations after the battles." Thats when the red echidna sat up and said, "I never thought I say this but I wonder if he's doin okay. He's been 'busy' lately." That's when Knuckles gotta message that Mephiles and Infinite are attacking again. That's when Knuckles rushed to the battlefield as he exited the Angel Island. Knuckles thought to himself, "Normally I would just go back to Angel Island after the battle ends or a celebration after the battle ends. But I'm strangely curious to know why Sonic hasn't been hanging out with anyone lately."

<When the Mephiles and I finite Battle ended>

Infinite carried Mephiles and said, "You may have won this round Sonic. But mark our words you will suffer!" Mephiles sighs and said, "You didn't haft to carry me." Infinite replied, "You saved my life it's the least I can do for you." Mephiles was quiet flattered but didn't know what say. Just after they floated away Sonics friends cheered. Vector and Charmy did a victory dance, Espio and his protege 'Sora' were bowing down like in a large class. Shadow just stood there and acted like a grouch always, Amy and Tails jumped for joy, Cream and Cheese giggled and danced around, Rouge clapped her hands, Big The cat hugged Froggie, Omega did a victory dance, Silver and Blaze just hugged each other while squealed in excitement, and Knuckles smiled proudly. Tails said, "Let's go celebrate everyone." Sonic walked off as Silver asked Sonic, "Aren't you going to celebrate with us?" Sonic replied to the white hedgehog, "No not today. I got somewhere else to be." Silver said with confusion, "Again? That's the 10'th time this week." Knuckles asked, "What's going on with you Sonic?" The blue hedgehog looked at the time and said, "Nothing's going on. Well I gotta go." Sonic sped off before anyone could ask. Amy scratched her head and then shrugged. Knuckles sighed deeply. The group went off to Tails house to party but Rouge notice Knuckles wasn't coming this time and asked, "Aren't you coming Knuckie?" Knuckles replied, "First off, don't call me that and second off, I gotta see what Sonic is really up too." Thats when Knuckles ran off while Rouge just shrugged and followed the group to Tails house. Knuckles stopped and recalled all the times Sonic took the battle seriously. Knuckles said to himself, "Come to think of it. Sonic has been taking the battle against Mephiles and Infinite seriously lately."

<a short while later>

Sonic just arrived at the daycare center and told the front desk, "I'm here to pick up my daughter Luna." The front desk lady said politely, "Why certainly." She monitored one of the daycare workers about Luna before one of the daycare workers came out with her and said to Baby Luna 'who is about two months old', "Time for you to go home sweet pea." Young Luna babbled happily and reached out for Sonic as the daycare worker gave her to Sonic. The blue hedgehog said to her, "Aww did you miss me sweetie? I missed you too Luna." Sonic walked out with the baby and waved to the daycare center workers 'who waved back' and said them, "Thanks again for watching Luna for me." The front desk lady said, "Anytime Mr. Hedgehog. Anytime." The blue hedgehog said to Luna, "Come on little one. Let's go home. You must've had a long day at the daycare center." She yawned and babbled before Sonic went home with Luna. Once Sonic arrived home with the baby he entered his house and placed the sleeping Luna in her small bed 'which was near the the couch' before Sonic sat down with a sigh. Sonic thought, "I haft to keep Luna safe. There's no telling what Infinite and Mephiles would do if they found out. I can't risk anyone knowing about it." Sonic sighed deeply and said, "It's been 2 months since I found her and I haven't started making her room yet." Sonic questioned for 8 seconds about what color should his new daughters room be. Sonic then thought to himself as he thought, "I already bought the stuff for Luna two days after I found and adopted Luna. So what color would she like her room be? I dunno." He laid down for a moment before he heard a creek on the floor and that alone caused him to jolt up and asked around the room, "Who's there?!" Sonic looked to see Luna asleep still. Sonic then saw a shadow at the other side of the wall before he slowly approached the shadow and ambushing what or whoever it is that was behind the wall.

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