The Encounter

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<in Sonics world>

It was a dark and cloudy night. Sonic and the rest of his friends were battling against Eggman at the Aquatic ruins.

Knuckles was punching Eggmans robot bees, Amy used her hammer to slam Eggman's flying robots, the Chaotix used their special abilities to destroy the Eggman army robots, and everyone else use their unique ability to destroy every single robot of Eggmans.

Sonic said in a teasing tone, "Give it up Egghead. You will lose like all those other times."

Eggman let out his hardy laugh and said, "Not this time you speedy pest. This time I will make sure you and your meddling friends will be era~AAAAAHHHH!!"

Before the evil fat scientist can finish his sentence, he was plunged by a red glitch-like sphere. Everyone gasped as Eggman was trying to get the sphere out of his body. But unfortunately it was too deep.

That's when they heard a familiar distorted voice said, "Hate to cut your fun so soon doctor but unfortunately your playtime with the hedgehog has come to an end." Sonic and the others looked up in their most horrific shock. It was Infinite and Mephiles.

The two teamed up together a few weeks earlier and agreed to bring the doctors battle come to an end so that they can take the spotlight to battle Sonic. Knuckles said in shock, "It's Infinite!" Sonic walked to him and said, "Yeah but he's not alone. Look!"

He pointed to Mephiles as everyone shouted, "Mephiles?!?!" Mephiles laughed and said, "You are correct. Me and this powerful creature here decided to bring your battle to a new level."

Eggman asked in anger, "Infinite! How can you turn your back on your creator?!?!" Infinite shouted, "SILENCE!! You left me to fade! But this dark blue hedgehog saved me and we both agreed that you should be erased from existence. Forever!"

Both laughed as Eggman yelled which really made the pain worst when he tried to move, "Uuurrgghhh!!! You.. You will pay for this!"

Mephiles said as he huffed, "Sorry Doctor. You'll be the one who's gonna pay." Infinite then said as he prepared to throw another sphere at him, "You had your fun battling these little rats. Now it's our turn. GOODBYE DOCTOR!!"

With that said Infinite threw the sphere at him and it hit Eggman by the throat. The evil doctor chocked on his own blood and died right in his robot.

Everyone was surprised including Sonic. Mephiles then said, "Attention lower life forms! This battle is now under a new era. In which you will be batting me and Infinite. So may darkness spread." The two laughed as they faded completely.

Everyone was chatting with each other as Knuckles asked in a stern tone, "Now what should we do smart-alec? Eggman is dead and now we're battling two enemies from the past!"

Sonic stayed silent and tried to be his cheerful self. But everyone else just felt stressed due to the fight against Eggman not to mention there in a new war. That's when Sonics friends went on home. Sonic asked, "Knux..?"

Knuckles stopped and asked, "What..?" Sonic replied as he walked to him, "I-I don't know if you and I are strong enough to beat them but..."

Knuckles walked off and said in a stern tone, "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Your gonna jump to conclusions and do something without thinking. I gotta get going. I gotta emerald to guard. And don't bother me tomorrow I am in no mood for your arrogant jokes."

Sonic sighed deeply and muttered, "I can't help but see you." Before Sonic can run home, he heard a small cry about 7 feet from him. Curiosity took the better of the heroic hedgehog and looks to see the crying is coming from a shrub nearby.

Sonic looked behind the shrub and gasped. It was a baby girl (LunarStarlight) in a basket. Sonic looked around. He then asked, "Where did she come from?" The cobalt hedgehog felt a sting in his heart, seeing such a innocent baby abandoned in a basket. Something inside Sonic told him to take  the baby home.

He picked up the basket with the baby in it and said softly, "You poor child. You must've been abandoned haven't you. Don't worry nobody is goin to harm you little one. Your safe with me. I promise I will take good care of you." The baby looked up at the hedgehog before speeding off home with the baby. It was the most strange but heartwarming encounter Sonic has ever seen.

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