Aardbei and Luna Part 2

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Once Sonic arrived with Luna, he said to her, "Okay Honey. Try to play nicely."

Luna replied to him, "Sure Daddy." She giggled and went over to play to the playground.

Though once there she was playing around. Though when she reached the monkey bars she stopped.

She then took a deep breath before she walked backwards onto the ran to one of the bars of the monkey bars and jumped towards it.

But when she missed, she gasped and thought she was going to fall.

However, she looked at the ground and said with a chuckle, "Oh right, I can fly."

That was when she flew a little and grabbed one of the monkey bars and chuckled while swinging.

She then said while getting her foster father's attention, "Hey Daddy look at me!!"

Sonic 'sitting on a bench' chuckled and said, "Good work sweetie."

Then that was when two chipmunks (Ruthia and Naushuo in disguise with Aarbei) arrived and saw that moment she flew to the monkey bar.

Ruthia said to Naushuo as she looked at the little hedgehog girl with familiar blue eyes, "My goodness. That girl just flew."

Aarbei turns to her and said, "Mother. Could she be Lunarstarlight?"

Ruthia replied to her son, "I don't know."

Naushuo then said, "I maybe the ideya guardian of determination but darling can you sense any nightmaren aura on her?"

Ruthia gasped before she looks at Luna walking to a bunch of dying flowers.

She answered, "As a matter of fact I do. Could it actually be her?"

Aarbei answered, "It has to be Lunarstarlight." He then turns to them and asked, "Umm, any particular reason why we are taking the forms of the fast ones world?"

Naushuo answered him, "Well Lord Wizelight gave us access to shapeshift."

Ruthia then added, "If we haft to find Lunarstarlight for you to be friends with her, least we could do is blend in. Besides, I strangely like chipmunks. They're not scared of being themselves."

Naushuo chuckled and replied, "You are seriously cute Ruthia."

Aarbei then sees Luna looking sad at the dying flowers. Then she sits down and sings beautifully as the flowers come back to life beautiful as before.

The three gasped in surprise as Sonic was amazed by it.

Sonic thought to himself in a questionned manner, "Did she just...?"

She glows brightly in a bright blue light while her quills blow through the wind.

She then twirls beautifully while singing beautifully.

When she finished, Luna looks at the flowers with a smile.

She sniffs them while she sighed.

She said to herself while looking at one of the flowers, "Such beauty should exist in the world we are in now. Why must we fight? Can't we work out our differences peacefully?"

She then heard a voice from behind, "Such a nice voice for such a little girl."

She turns to see Aarbei looking at her amazed. She greeted as she stood up, "Oh hi. I thank you for the compliment young boy."

Aarbei replied, "You are very welcome young one. I say, how did you?"

He trailed off as Luna answers his question, "Well to answer your question how did I bring back these flowers. I sang. I have powers that I am making progress of."

Aarbei replied 'in surprise that she knew what he was going to ask her', "Oh, I see."

He then said, "Allow to introduce myself. My name is Aarbei. What is your name young lady?"

Luna then replied, "My name is Luna."

Aarbei replied to her, "Luna? Such a pretty name."

Luna smiled a little before she said, "Of course it is. My Daddy guessed it when I was found abandoned at the aquatic ruins."

Ruthia and Naushuo gasped at the same time. They remembered the words of Wizelight; "If a child says 'I was found abandoned at the aquatic ruins' that's her. Aarbei will find her at a playground with dying flowers with it."

Ruthia whispered, "Naushuo, it is her." That is when Naushuo switched his vision 'only looking at her true form' and said, "No doubt about it. She's really growing beautiful as her mother."

Ruthia nodded in agreement.

Aarbei then said, "So Luna, where are your parents?"

Luna replied, "Well I'm adopted so one of my Dads is over there. The other one is at Angel Island. I have a feeling we will be almost done around here."

Then 'as predicted' Sonic stood up and said, "Luna, let's get going. Your Papa is waiting."

Luna replied, "Don't worry Daddy I'll be right there."

Aarbei asked, "Luna. Would you liked to be my friend?"

Luna replied to him, "Of course. I would like to. Consider yourself my first friend Aarbei."

Luna smiled at him before walking to Sonic.

Aarbei looks to his parents and said, "It is her Mother. Father. We found her. So now what?"

Ruthia answered, "We await further instructions little one."

The three watched Sonic and Luna walked off while Aarbei nodded and said, "Very well mother."

Luna's pov

Aarbei is really well mannered don't you think? Anyways, I did become friends with him. Yes. Though he and his parents were able to find me like Father said. They now await Fathers instructions. I can assure you. It is going to be great.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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