Knuckles finds out Part 2

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Sonic pinned the intruder and looked to see it was Knuckles as Knuckles himself said, "Calm down you idiot it's me!" Sonic whispered angrily, "What are you doing here?!" Knuckles shouted as Sonic kept shushing him, "What does it look like?! You barely been hanging out with anyone!" Sonic whispered, "Get the heck out of here! Be quiet." Knuckles shouted, "Alright Sonic. I know your hiding something, now spit it out!" Before things can go further Luna woke up crying. Sonic stood up and said with a stern and upset tone, "Ugh now you done it, you woke up my adopted daughter." Sonic sped towards Luna and said softly and calmly as he picked her up, "It's okay sweetie. Daddy's here." Sonic glared at Knuckles 'who was surprised and shocked at the same time.' He was speechless at what he is seeing. Sonic glared at him and said while trying to calm down Luna, "Ugh you idiot. You never shoulda let your curiosity get the best of you! Now that you know about me and the baby, I gotta problem here." Knuckles said to him in a confusing but curious tone, "Can you please at least tell me whatever is going on? Sonic look whatever has been going on I promise I won't tell anyone. I'm not looking for something to tease you about you know. I'm your 'friend'." He brushed a little. Sonic sighed and sat down as he successfully calms down Luna. Knuckles sat down next to him and asked calmly, "You been taking care of a child for two months? All this time? How did this happen?" Sonic took a deep breath to calm down and told his former rival and best friend the whole story. Knuckles said, "I see. You found her at the Aquatic Ruins?" Sonic nodded and said, "Yeah. Nobody was around but me and her." Luna looked at the red echidna with curiosity as Knuckles asked, "But it makes no sense. Out of all the places. Why would someone dump a child in the Aquatic ruins?" Sonic replied, "I don't know. But what strange is that I didn't see anyone around nor did I see any footprints on the ground. It was like she showed up out of nowhere." Knuckles assumed with a raised brow and his arms crossed, "Maybe she was left there earlier just before the battle had started." Sonic said to him, "Even if that's true we woulda heard her cried at the spot where I found her." Knuckles asked as he turned to Sonic, "Can't you show me where you found her?" Sonic hesitated before nodding.

<later when the three arrived>

Sonic showed Knuckles where he found Luna. Knuckles looked behind the shrub and asked as he turned to Sonic, "Here?" The cobalt hedgehog nodded as Luna blinked a few times. Knuckles asked, "Was there anything else?" Sonic shook his head and said, "No. there was no note not even a letter. Just a necklace around her neck. It indicated me that her name is Luna." Baby Luna babbled happily and clapped her hands. Sonic smiled at her and said, "She already knew her name." Knuckles replied to him, "Luna huh? Nice name." Baby Luna smiled at the red echidna while Sonic looked at him and said, "Look don't get me wrong. I'm grateful you're keeping this a secret for me. But I'm just worried for Luna's safety. Feel free to drop by for a visit sometime if you can." Knuckles looked at her and said as he turned his head back to Sonic, "Actually... I'm thinking of helping you with her." Sonic was a little surprised and said, "T-that's sweet and all but are you sure?" Knuckles sighed and said, "Until further notice I may haft to help you during my visits." The night was beautiful but Sonic had to get Luna back to bed. He bid Knuckles farewell and sped off with the baby. Knuckles thought to him as he walked to Angel Island, "I'll haft to think of something. Until then I'll haft to help out with Sonic."

Luna's pov

See what did I tell you? But that promise was only the beginning. Dad and Papa were closer all cause of me. They say a baby can bring someone close with their soulmate. I dunno if that's true or not but anyways to tell you the truth. I actually looked forward to Papa's visits. During that time Dad and Papa gotten close over the next four months. Really close with each other. Though on this fateful day was the day my powers awaken. They were like my real parents powers in a combination. But it was also the day my Dad and Papa decided to move in together. Hehehe.

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