Attempt to steal the baby/ Separation

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Later that night. NIGHTS and Wizelight were looking at the sky with their daughter. They felt like their moment would last forever. But that moment ended when NIGHTS and Wizelight were going to put LunarStarlight to bed but all of a sudden NIGHTS was pushed down with the baby in her arms. LunarStarlight started crying. NIGHTS said in a comforting tone, "It's okay sweetie Mommy's here. Mommy's got you." Thats when a familiar voice said with a evil chuckle, "Not anymore." In one swift LunarStarlight was gone. NIGHTS gasped as she sees she was holding no one. NIGHTS looked around for any signs as Wizelight as well searched. That's when a familiar voice asked, "Looking for something NIGHTS?!" The two saw Reala and Jackle with the baby nightmaren in Jackles hands. NIGHTS growled and said angrily, "GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!!" Reala smirked and replied, "Not a chance traitor! When Master Wizeman heard about your little miracle he sent us to steal her. We don't want the girl to grow up a rebellious nightmaren just like her mother. Our master wants a nightmaren that will do what he says like me and the other Nightmarens unlike you." He chuckled before the two flew off as Jackle said, "See you later losers!" He laughed maniacally after saying that. NIGHTS was too heartbroken to go after them but it didn't stop Wizelight from going after them. With anger and determination for his daughter, Wizelight flew faster and shouted for the guards, "STOP THEM!!" The guards were able to stop the two Nightmarens but it didn't stop Jackle from attempting to get away from them but unfortunately for him Wizelight swiped his daughter back. Jackle simply shouted as he looked at Wizelight flying away with LunarStarlight, "HEY!" Jackle told Reala he lost the child while he was fighting the nightopian guards. Reala wasn't too happy about it and said in anger, "YOU LOST THE BRAT?!" Jackle whimpered as they were able to get away from the nightopian guards. Reala said to Jackle, "Master Wizeman wants that brat Jackle! He wants it now!!" Jackle replied in a annoyed tone, "I know! I know! Stop reminding me it's giving me a headache!" Reala demanded, "I'll give you something to have a headache!!"


Wizelight was able to save LunarStarlight but he knew she wouldn't be safe with his brothers goons attempts to steal her again. Owl caught up with them and said, "Who-Who-Who! You both are alright." Wizelight replied with a upset expression, "Yes we are but my daughter is not safe here." Owl asked his old friend, "I am aware of that old friend. What should we do? Who-Who." Wizelight knew a way for LunarStarlight to be safe but he wasn't looking forward to what had to be done. Wizelight looked at the old Owl and said, "Owl? No matter what happens do not tell anyone." Owl realized right away what Wizelight is about to do. Feeling uneasy the old bird asked, "A-are you sure about this?!" Wizelight sighed and said, "I'm not looking forward to it. But it's the only way LunarStarlight will be safe. Besides this world isn't quiet connected to 'his' world yet. It be impossible for the Nightmarens to go there and search." Owl felt uneasy but he had to agree for LunarStarlight's sake. Owl then said as he looked at the baby, "If your really sure about this for her sake then I won't stop you old friend. Will she be alright?" Wizelight nodded and said, "Yes. Now open the portal Owl." Without hesitation Owl open the portal to Sonics world. It was a real hard decision to make for Wizelight but it was the only way to protect LunarStarlight. With one last look at his daughter he said, "Remember Mommy and Daddy love you sweetheart. I know you will grow up to be a bright pure hearted nightmaren but also a powerful Goddess of every dimension. So long LunarStarlight we'll meet again. I promise." With that said LunarStarlight was placed in a basket and a blanket wrapped around her before she floated into the portal. The moment she passed the portal to the other world she took the form of a female purple baby hedgehog. The portal closed as Wizelight cried. Sending his child away was a really hard decision to make.

(Luna) LunarStarlight's pov

Yeah. My Father actually send me away for my sake. It was hard for him. He and Owl never told anyone about my whereabouts not even my mother. After my father came back. My heart broken mother sent every single person including her friends on a frantic search for me. But I was sent to where I grew up. My foster fathers world. You all know him as Sonic the Hedgehog right? Well needless to say I'm lucky. Though I can't say he raised me alone. Wweeellll not entirely.

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