24. Princess

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The heavy iron gates closed behind them, a poignant reminder that Victory had entered a world she'd never known. Everything int the courtyard beyond was polished to a lustrous finish, and the grass was so green one could scarcely believe it was real.

But it was the people within that intimidated Victory the most. They were so... perfect. Perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect clothes and bearing. The kind of people who would never set foot in the ghetto she grew up in, who would be aghast to learn that the woman who'd just entered their gated community was not who she appeared to be.

"Relax." Lucas said, strengthening his grip. "Don't let them scare you. You're every bit the princess you appear to be. Just be yourself, and there's nothing to fear."

Victory took a deep breath, then walked step for step with Lucas as they drew close to the party. Her fiancé was right, she wasn't going to let Lucas's parents or any of their rich friends look down on her because of her background. No matter what came of this evening, she knew she would forever be royalty.

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