46. Janie

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Janie didn't understand why Mommy and Daddy had brought her out to the middle of this field far from their house. She didn't understand why Mommy's belly had gotten so big lately, and why Daddy was always rubbing it with a smile on his bearded face. Nor did she yet comprehend the fact that her Mommy and Daddy had different skin colors and facial features, and that hers was a mixture of both.

No, all that mattered to Janie was the ice cream Daddy had promised her once they were finished with what he called a "mah-turn-nah-tee shute," more big words she didn't understand. She didn't understand a lot of things, really. But what she did understand was Mommy and Daddy loved her very much, and in the coming months, she grew to understand that love applied to the siblings waiting to be born.

"One more, Jay Jay, then it's time for ice cream!" Mommy trilled.

Janie looked at the camera and smiled.

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