Chapter 4

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~Spencer's POV~

I was starring up at the corner. I was wondering why the camera wasn't moving. Courtney must not be watching. I thought to myself. Then it jolted towards me.

I jumped a little because it moved so fast. It just stayed on me. What the hell did Courtney want? I got off the bed and grabbed the chair. I walked over to the camera and stood on top of the chair.

Ding. Ding. The speaker went off. I fell off the chair because it was so loud. "Hello bitches. It's play time. Head to the living area." Said a voice. I recognized the voice but I didn't know who it was. It defiantly wasn't Courtney.

Click. Click. The door swung open and I walked out. I met up with Aria and we walked towards the room. When we got there, there were 3 people missing. Noel, Ezra, and Cece. What happened to them?

Courtney stepped out of the control room and into her glass room again. "As you can see some people are gone. 2 of them have died." She said.

"What?!" I heard Hanna yell from the other side.

"What happened to the other one?" I asked.

"That's none of your concern." Replied Courtney. She turned around and closed the door behind her. "Now when you go back to your rooms you will see a stack of clothes. You will pick one outfit out of all of them and then wait. When your doors open you are to come back here. Everyone who isn't here in time, we'll let's just say we won't see them ever again." She turned around and walked back into the control room.

I turned to the corner. "What the hell is wrong with you? Nobody wants to play your sick twisted game." As soon as I finished what I was saying, a voice on the speaker said, "Please head back to your rooms to pick your outfits."

The doors swung open and everyone filed out, except me. "No." I replied subtly.

"What?" The voice on the speaker said.

"I said no!" I yelled. A siren went off. I covered my ears and ran out of the room. I could still hear the sound.

When I got to my room, the door slammed and the siren shut off. I turned to my bed and there were 3 dresses. One was a sparkly blue dress. The second one was a galaxy color. The final one was just lime green. I picked the galaxy dress and I put it on.

I stood in front of the mirror after I put the dress on. The only thing missing was the heels. As soon as I thought that, the bottom of my door lifted up, in slid the heels. They were black. I don't know how Courtney thinks these go with the dress.

I sat on the bed and I thought about what Courtney could be planning to do. After about 15 minutes, the door swung open. I walked into the hall and so did everyone else.

I walked slowly to the room. When we got there Cece walked out of the control room. I heard Aria gasp. Now we know that Ezra and Noel are dead.

"What the hell Courtney!?" Asked everyone at the same time.

"You bitches caused my brother to kill himself and the others want to end the A team." She said and I knew exactly what she was talking about. A door opened in the 4 corners of the room. "Paige , Mona, and Melissa all go to the upper right corner door. Hanna, Jenna, and Wilden upper left corner. Lucas and Aria to the lower right corner. Spencer and Emily to the lower left corner."

When she was done telling us where to go, we got with our partners and left. Emily was wearing an ugly yellow and orange stripped dress with 3-inch yellow heels.

The door that Emily and I had to go in led to a long gray hallway. "Where do you think this leads to?" Emily asked.

"I don't know. I'm afraid of what we're going to find." I replied and kept walking. We didn't say anything else until we got to the end of the hall.

There were 2 doors. "I guess we choose which one." Emily said.

Before we could do anything else, there were 2 dings. "One door leads to death and one door leads to life and surviving. Only one per room." Said an automatic voice.

"No freaking way." I said. When I looked up I saw a camera that I didn't notice before.

"Spencer." Emily said. "I'm scared."

"Me too. There has to be a way that both of us can live."

"Wait. What about the groups with 3 people? Does one of them die or do 2 of them die?" Asked Emily.

Ding. Ding. "Choose a door or both of you die." Said Cece's voice.

"What side do you want?" Asked Emily.

"I don't care." I said back eyeing the camera.

"Okay I'll go left, you go right." She said. We both positioned ourselves in front of the door we were going to go in to.

"On the count of 3." I said. "One. Two. Three." We both opened I our doors and walked in.

When I got in my room it looked safe. I took a couple steps foward when I heard, Ding, Ding. "Spencer, you have 2 options. Join the A team or die, now."

I took me a few minutes to think of my answer. If I choose to live then I would have to be on the A team and torture my friends. But if I die then they will still be hurt. I decided to go with the option that would hurt my friends the least. "I will never join the A team." I said.

The room filled with gas. It started getting harder to breath. I keep getting more tired. I decide to sit down. I tried to fight the tiredness that was taking over my body because I knew that if I let myself close my eyes I wouldn't be waking up. Eventually I couldn't fight it any more. I closed my eyes and said my last goodbye to the world.

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