Chapter 12

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~Emily's POV~
"What do you mean A has monitors in our basements?" I asked.

"I'll show you." Spencer got up and walked over to a door next to her stairs. She opened the door and we all followed her down the stairs. We got down there and there was nothing on the walls where Spencer said they were. "What the hell? I swear guys, there were monitors right here."

Bing. We turned around and there was something lit up right behind us. We walked over to it looking at each other afraid of what we're going to see.

It's almost time bitches, speak one word to anyone and you'll end up like Courtney and Ali.

"What the hell do they mean it's almost time? Almost time for what?" Aria asked.

"Almost time for someone to find us. A is going to let us out." Spencer said. Everyone look at each other.

"Would A really do that?" Mona asked.

"There's gotta be a catch." Melissa said. Bing.

Look at you smarty pants. Your right, there is a catch. One of you needs to be sacrificed.

"I told you." Melissa said under her breath.

"Sacrificed? Who the hell are we going to sacrice?" I asked looking at everyone.

"I don't know." Said Ezra.

"I'll do it. I'll be the sacrice." Wilden said. Everyone turned and looked at him.

"Really?" I said looking back at him.

"Ya. It's either that, we stay here, or I go to jail if someone else sacrice themselves." He said.

"So do I." Mona, Ezra, and Melissa said at the same time. Nobody else said a word. We waited for another text but it didn't come. Then something washed over Spencer's face.

"Guys, what if I killed Alison?" She said.

"What are you talking about?" Hanna said.

"When we were locked in our houses, I woke up and there was blood all over me and all over the floor. Come on I'll show you." She said leading us up the stairs. I never noticed it before but there was a trail of blood from the door. She led us to her parents room and to the bed. "I woke up here, then I went to Alison's house because I heard a gun shot. I found Courtney. I went upstairs and I found Alison's body in her bedroom."

Everyone looked at Spencer with scared looks on their face. Nobody wanted to believe that Spencer was capable of something like that. Tears were falling down Spencer's face. "Guys, I'm scared." She sobbed. Aria, Hanna, and I all walked towards Spencer and gave her a hug. When we broke apart I noticed that Wilden was missing.

"Hey, where's Wilden?" I asked. Everyone looked around.

"I don't know." Ezra said. Bing.

When I said it was almost time, I really meant for someone to die. You really thought you were getting out that easily?

Below the message, there was a picture. It was Wilden and he was already dead.

~Toby's POV~

"They've been gone for more than 3 months. What the hell are you doing?" I yelled at the police force.

"We are doing the best we can sir." They replied. That wasn't enough.

"Well the best you can isn't good enough. I want to know where my girlfriend and her friends are." I said back.

"We've gotten a tip as to where the missing residents are. We are headed to that location now." The policeman got up and ran to his car. When he got in I rushed to my car. I waited till he was out of the parking lot and then I followed him to where ever he was going.

Welcome to the Dollhouse (Sequel to Time to Bring Your A GAme)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ