Twenty One

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Harry's POV

Mari and Daisy left after breakfast this morning. Mari had to go to the shop to work on some orders. We offered to keep Daisy here with us (by we I mean mostly mom) but Mari insisted that we had some good ole mother son bonding time, I don't know what she was expecting us to do.

"I wanna go see the shop." Mom came out of the guest bedroom, dressed to go out. "Then we can walk around LA or something, go to the beach, maybe?" She smiled. I pursed my lips, it's like she was begging to get mobbed.

"We can visit the shop, sure." I nodded my head, "I don't know about walking around though.. Are you sure you're up for that?" I raised an eyebrow. It's a Saturday and the weather is nice today, there would be a lot of people out and about for sure. I don't think there's ever been a time that I've been able to walk around with my mom without being stopped by fans.

Don't get me wrong, I loved every single one of them but some days I just wanted to have a peaceful day with my friends or family. It's the price I have to pay though, even if I wished I had more privacy, I love what I do and I couldn't see myself doing anything else.

"Yeah, I think we'll be alright. It's nice to get out of the house." She shrugged. Moms never complained about us getting stopped when we were out in public. She says it's a constant reminder of how wonderful and loved her son is. I stood from my spot, and walked past her towards my room.

"I'll just change, then we can go." I hollered. Marigold's clothes from the night before were thrown messily into the hamper, almost making it in but hanging over the edge, a single sock on the floor beside it. I shook my head, a small smile on my face as I placed her clothes properly into the hamper. And to think, most people think it's the men that are messy.

I changed quickly, peeling off the clothes I wore to sleep and pulling on a fresh tee shirt and some loose jeans. I slipped on my black vans and walked out to the living room, mom was leaning against the wall by the doorway waiting for me.

"Marigold's the same as always." Mom looked at me as I started the car. "Same old Marigold that I've always known." She smiled. I shook my head no because Marigold isn't the same.

Nothing about Marigold is the same from before. Sadly, Marigold had to grow up a lot faster than a normal person should. She lost her mom. She had a kid and practically had to do that alone too. Yeah, Mari still had the same characteristics and personality as I remembered her. But she was completely different. It wasn't a bad thing though, I loved every bit of Marigold, her hardships only made her stronger.

"That's not entirely true. She has changed a lot, she had to." I shrugged, mom probably knows more than I do about what Marigold went through for the period I wasn't in her life. I'm thankful for that though, I'm glad that Marigold always had my mom even if I was off being an idiot.

"I suppose you're right. You don't go through the things she's gone through and come out the same." She agreed. A silence fell over the two of us, the only sound was the radio playing softly through the speakers.

"How are the two of you, by the way?" She asked cautiously, here she goes.

"Mum.." I whined, I should've known she would start interrogating me when she finally got me alone.

"What??" She laughed, "Is it so wrong for me to want to know what's going on in my son's life?" She asked.

"I guess not.." I rolled my eyes. "I mean you practically know everything already, you act like I don't call you every Friday."

"Okay, that's fair." She deflated in her seat. "But I want to know the details, give me the rundown. I wanna know the nitty gritty." She urged, shimmying her shoulders and wiggling her eyebrows. I cringed instantly.

Marigold and Daisies (H.S.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora