Twenty Seven

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Marigold's POV

Harry's body went stiff at my words, his chest hardening under the touch of my fingertips. I didn't mean to spring it out on him out of nowhere, I just needed to know. I wasn't necessarily angry and I hope he could sense that I wasn't mad at him. I knew that if we didn't talk about it now, it would gnaw at my brain all day.

Harry let out a sigh, his body deflating slightly as he did so.

"I wish I had a solid answer for you." He croaked. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before it was posted. I didn't want to post it without telling you, I swear. It was finalized this past week at one of our meetings and they insisted that we announce it with Coachella and everything happening, they knew it would get a lot of traction." He explained.

"I didn't want to tell you over the phone-"

"So you just didn't tell me?" I mumbled, it was a shit excuse. We both knew that much.

"I'm really sorry, Marigold." He sighed. I knew all was forgiven when I heard the strain in his voice, I knew I was no longer upset.

"It's okay. I'm not mad. I just-" I sat up slightly. "I want to be in the know. Harry, I can't be with you if I'm always in the dark, especially about something as big as this." I said.

"I know, I know. I promise I wasn't trying to do anything behind your back. I need to do better at communicating these things and I will, I'll do better." Just by the look in his eyes I could see he was being genuine.

I nodded and let myself place my head back onto his chest, his arms tightened around my body when I did so.

"Are you excited?" I asked, not wanting to leave the air weird and tense. I didn't want Harry to think that he couldn't talk to me about the tour itself, I want him to be excited and I want him to share that excitement with me.

"Extremely." I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was smiling, "It's been a while since I've toured. It's quite possibly one of my favorite things to do, performing." He said.

"I would hope so.. Considering it is a good chunk of your job." I laughed. "I'm excited for you too, Harry." I agreed, I didn't let my mind wander further than that. I know that if I thought about it too much I would start to overthink again. And today is going to be a good day.

Not too long after that Harry rolled out of bed and hopped into the shower. I rolled over on the bed, reaching for my phone on the bedside table. My screen lit up and I was met with a load of new notifications. I scanned the notifications, texts from Ally, emails, texts from the groupchat for work, social media notifications and texts from Jacob.

Ally sent me a picture of her and Daisy making pancakes together. I smiled, shooting her a text telling her that I miss them.

The smile quickly fell into a frown when I saw a text that Jacob sent me last night.

Let me know when you're back in town. We have to talk about what I learned at the restaurant.

I knew that he was referring to Daisy letting it slip that we spend a lot of time with Harry. I had managed to avoid the topic after the dinner and I haven't seen him since then. Yes, I was avoiding the topic.

Harry and I might not be necessarily hiding our relationship anymore, but the last thing I want to happen is Jacob spreading the news. I would hope that he's mature enough not to spread anything but honestly, I never know with Jacob. He may seem like he's so grown and mature now but the Jacob I knew would absolutely tell every pop culture news article about Harry and I.

He's always been back and forth. It was like a switch with him. One day he loves me and he appreciates everything I do, the next I'm the most useless and annoying person he's ever met.

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