Twenty Five

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Marigold's POV

I zipped up the duffel bag that sat at the foot of my bed. Tonight Harry is performing at Coachella and I decided that I was going to surprise him. Well, I say that loosely. It'll be a surprise until I send him a picture when I drive past the billboards.

Allie agreed to stay with Daisy for the weekend. It was her idea for me to go see Harry anyways, it was my "girlfriend duties" as she would say. In the 2 and a half years of Daisy's life I've never spent more than 1 night away from her and that was literally only once. Now I'm getting ready to spend the next three days apart from my little girl and it was both nerve wracking but also slightly exciting.

From the moment Daisy was born, she became my entire life. Full time mother, part time everything else. My entire world revolves around my sweet little bundle of joy, everyday of my life is dedicated to my little girl. Even though I never had a day for myself, I wouldn't have it any other way. Being Daisy's mom is what I do best and I loved every part of it. But this weekend was for me to go and have fun, to spend time with Harry and support him and I'm beyond excited.

It's like that feeling you get when you're 10 years old and having your first sleepover at your bestfriends house, you're excited, happy, anxious, nervous, all of it at the same time.

I lugged the duffel bag to the living room where Daisy and Allie were sprawled out on the couch together watching TV. Daisy's eyes stayed glued to the screen despite my bag dropping on the floor with a loud thud. I plopped onto the couch, lifting Allie's feet up and setting them onto my lap as I sank my body into the cushions.

"Shouldn't you be heading out soon?" Allie asked. I nodded my head, it was only a two hour drive but I hate driving so I was dreading it already. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to look at the time but was instantly distracted by the Instagram and Twitter notifications that HSHQ posted. My finger tapped on the Twitter notification.



The photo attached was a list of cities and dates, there were maybe 40 different cities on the list. My body sat up straight, pushing Allie's feet off of my lap as I registered what was on my screen. Harry's going on tour. Harry's going on tour and he didn't tell me before it was announced to the world.

"What?" Allie kicked me softly with her feet, when I didn't respond she pushed herself from her horizontal position and scooted close to me so that she could see what I was so fixed on. "Holy fu-" She whispered softly.

"Did you know?" She asked, I shook my head no. I kept refreshing the page and checking the account to make sure that this was actually official and not some fan having a laugh. Nope, it was real.

"It's okay. It's no big deal." I tried to shake it off. According to the post the tour wouldn't be for another 5 months, that's plenty of time. I'm sure Harry just forgot to tell me, he's been busy after all. "I'll talk to Harry about it later when I see him." I shrugged, locking my phone and tucking it back into my pocket.

Of course a part of me was a little confused as to why Harry didn't tell me or even mention it to me before it was posted. I tried my best to push the thought away, the last thing I wanted to do was overreact and make this into something it doesn't need to be. I'll talk to Harry later and I'm sure there's a reason he didn't tell me.

"I better get going, I wanna beat the traffic." I stood from my spot, clapping my hands together. Allie looked up at me from the couch with an apologetic look on her face, knowing that the new information was already chewing at my brain. I paused the TV and knelt down in front of Daisy.

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