Chp. 2 | Events just got stranger

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𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫
       Suggested songs
      Alleyways - The Neighbourhood
Iron man - Black Sabbath
Baby come home - The Neighborhood

Monday morning, you couldn't sleep in properly, your body was awake but your mind felt like it needed more rest. You groaned, reaching over for your alarm clock that was set on the nightstand near your bed. 5 AM, you grumbled as you tossed it back over to the nightstand and pushed yourself off your pillow. You sat there for a moment hearing voices outside your bedroom door. It was your mother and father, they were in another argument. You sat still for a moment to listen to what was being said but you still couldn't coherently hear what was going on. At this point, you didn't care. You got up and walked to the bathroom that was connected to your room and locked the door behind you.

Looking in the mirror, You're a mess. Your hair was frizzy and messed up. You felt gross because of the cold sweat that made your shirt slightly stick to your back. You wasted no time; shrugged your shirt off and the rest of your clothes too quickly undress for a shower. You turned the faucet on putting the water on hot to wake you up. The sound of the water drowned the noise of your yelling parents as you hopped inside. You ran your head under the water which immediately woke you up more. But what didn't help was your thoughts; You were still thinking about Eddie freaking Munson. You banged your head against the wall of the shower. You didn't want to admit it, but you were staring at him for a reason that day. He's just so... You stopped yourself, lifting your head from the wall. This shower wasn't helping. You finished washing and turned off the water.

You didn't work today, which relieved you. But you did not want to stay at home. When you got out of the shower, you wrapped yourself up with a towel and walked back into your room towards your bed. You grabbed your walkie-talkie that Dustin Henderson lent you after last year's Halloween and contacted Robin on a specific channel that you and her used for privacy; to see what she was doing today. Throwing your little radio back down on your bed as you got dressed. You pulled a slip-knot shirt on with a turtleneck underneath. You grabbed some high-waisted jeans with cuffs on the bottom of them and some boots to go along with them. You had already done your hygiene routine when you were in and out of the shower to make getting ready faster. You also threw on some bizarre earrings to accessorize. You looked over at your mirror taking a glimpse of yourself. You didn't know how to exactly feel about the outfit.

Your radio buzzed with a muffled voice behind the static, it was Robin.

Took her long enough.

You walk over to your bed again and listen in. She was at school practicing in the band room. You groaned. You sat and thought of what you could do for the day. Then the screaming that echoed through the house flooded your ears again. Your head jerked towards your door.

God damn, could they be any louder?

It was making your ears ring by how loud they were. If you listened to it anymore you swore you were going to get a headache. You grabbed your radio and pressed down on the button. Telling Robin that you were going to sneak into the school. You gathered the things you were going to need for the day. You looked at your door for a moment, frozen in place. Questioning yourself if you wanted to walk through the chaos. And then you looked at your window.

It seems like you have been choosing your window as an exit very often. You crawled out of the window as soon as you opened it, taking a glance back at your house for a moment before getting into your car and driving off towards Hawkins High.

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