Chp. 3 | Bad Habits

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                                Bad Habits
                            Suggested songs
           Nirvana - Smell like Teen Spirit
         Beach Weather - Sex, Drugs, Etc.
12:34 AM

You followed Eddie into his Trailer, taking in the whole area. It was dark. Yet you could make out a few things like the couch, chairs, and a few hats hanging up. Eddie turned on a few lamps giving the cozy trailer some light. You looked around more. Munson's home was decent looking on the inside, a little messy, but decent.

"Sorry if it's a little messy.." He murmured, picking up a few fast food paper bags and what looks to be burger wrappers. "Kind of had the place to myself for the past few days. Didn't clean much sadly." He was still trying to be polite by cleaning up. God, why are you here? You were avoiding Eddie for a reason. You cleared your throat before speaking up, "Ah, it doesn't bother me I get the same way sometimes."

Yeah and then get bitched at by your father.

Sometimes you wished it was different at home, your parents haven't given you much freedom because they accused you of avoiding school. It didn't matter though, you still snuck out even grounded. The whole reason you haven't even started school was because of the fact, you still didn't know what you wanted in life. You didn't want to rush into college and not know what to even major in. That's stupid, right? You brushed off your thoughts and looked back at Eddie who was throwing stuff away still. He looked back over at you, locking eyes. He could tell something was up.

"You know...We don't have to do this if you're uncomfortable alright?" He stood up straight as he spoke. Eddie moved forward a bit, he was in the kitchen. He leaned against the counter holding himself up by the palms of his hands. It bothered you that you found him a tad bit charming. You knew nothing about this man enough to be in his home, yet here you are. In his house. "Nono-", you hushed him, "I'm alright, it's just.." You trailed on. Looking down, you were fidgeting with your fingers a bit, picking at your nails, over nervous habit. Eddie rose a brow at you, "It's just..what?" He chuckled.

"I've never smoked before."

You looked back up at him chewing on the inside of your lip, embarrassed about saying it out loud. You felt like a total idiot. It wasn't because you never wanted to smoke. You were just never influenced by any friends. Most of them didn't smoke. Except for Billy, when you were around him. He usually had a pack of cigarettes on him. He offered them to you once or twice, but you declined every time. Sometimes you would even catch him smoking a blunt or two. Yet Billy was good at masking the smell of weed with his expensive Cologne. But it's been years since you have seen anyone smoke around you.


Billy had taken you to his place, Max, his little sister was nowhere to be seen and you could tell it was stressing him out. The anger he had built up was radiating off him like a ticking time bomb. You weren't the best at calming him down. Though, you knew what did tame his nerves. When you finally got to sit down in his room, Billy had already raised the volume on his radio to blast Metallica, meanwhile, you rummaged through your bag for his pack of cigarettes. He caught on, watching you through his mirror, and turned around. He let out a huff. The tall man sat beside you, taking the pack out of your hands. You just stared up at him, not knowing what to do in this situation. You didn't want to say anything to him while he was in this state. You held your tongue, grabbed a lighter, and flicked it open holding the small flame up to the end of the cigarette that was already resting between his lips. The whole time he kept eye contact with you while you were focused on lighting it. He took a big puff, inhaling deeply before removing it from his mouth and flaring the smoke back out through his nose. "I'm sure she will show up."—"It's not about her showing up, Y/n." He interrupted. You breathed an apology under your breath, before looking down at his floor. Billy's eyes flicked back over at you, "What did you say?" He eyed you. Continuing to look at the floor, you repeated yourself,

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊 | Eddie MunsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin